Change log
- Fixed Reload Command does not reload lang.yml
Change log
- Changed Event Priority of DamageHandler and RegainHealthHandler to MONITOR to let other plugin handles the boss bar first (PR
Change log
- Added options to translate directions
**Add this**
Code (YAML):
# Translation of directions
: East
: South
: West
: North
: E
: S
: W
: N
: NorthEast
: SouthEast
: SouthWest
: NorthWest
: NE
: SE
: SW
: NW
under this
Code (YAML):
- Added new formats upon players or enemy's death
**Add this**
Code (YAML):
: '
%direction_cardinal% %displayname% Dead &7(&c-%change%&7)'
under this
Code (YAML):
**Add this**
Code (YAML):
: '
%e_name% Dead &7(&c-%e_change%&7)'
# When the player dies
: '
%e_name% %e_hp%/%e_max% &7(&c-%e_change%&7)'
under this
Code (YAML):
Change log
- Fixed damage reduction not correctly calculated on Enemy bar
Change log
- Hopefully fixed world settings for boss bar not working
Change log
- Added world blacklist. Boss bar will not be shown to players if the world they are at is in the list
**Add this**
Code (YAML):
# Boss bar will be hidden in these worlds
- dungeon
under this
Code (YAML):
Change log
- Added support for MythicMobs 5.0+
- Dropped support for MythicMobs prior to 5.0.0
Change log
- Added support for MythicMobs, now the plugin will get MythicMobs entity's name with MythicMobs method if its hook is enabled in config
***Due to config structure changes, you are strongly advised to delete the old config.yml and generate a new one. Otherwise, it might cause errors. No support will be given if using the old config file.***
Alternatively, you may follow the guide below and add the following text into your config.yml for the new Citizens hook support.
***Add this***
Code (YAML):
# Hook of MythicMobs, use MythicMobs' method to get entity's name
: true
under this
Code (YAML):
# Settings of other plugins that was supported by BossBarHealth
Change log
- Hopefully fixed the memory leak issue mentioned on GitHub
Change log
- Fixed NullPointerException on hitting real players when Citizens installed and hook enabled
- Added permissions for show and hide command, everyone has the permissions by default
Change log
- Added support for Citizens, now the plugin will get Citizens NPC's name with Citizens method if its hook is enabled in config
- Changed how plugins hook works. Now it should not throw mass exceptions if the hooked plugin is disabled in most situations
***Due to config structure changes, you are strongly advised to delete the old config.yml and generate a new one. Otherwise, it might cause errors. No support will be given if using the old config file.***
Alternatively, you may follow the guide below and add the following text into your config.yml for the new Citizens hook support.
***Add this***
Code (YAML):
# Hook of Citizens, use Citizens' method to get enemy NPC's name
: true
under this
Code (YAML):
# Settings of other plugins that was supported by BossBarHealth
Change log
- Added placeholders to present percentage
- Fixed scaling applying on wrong placeholder numbers
Change log
- Moved logical operators of hp gain/lost from code to config for higher customization
This update removes logical operators for old config users. Please add the logical operators manually after updating.
Change log
- Hopefully fixed boss bar not disappearing
- Fixed boss bar disappearing time does't match the one actually displaying (it means when you hit large amount of entities, some died but some are not, the boss bar will follow the disappearing time of the type that actually showing to player)
This bugfix/patch reworked the boss bar removal timer, please tell me in the discussion section/pm along with the timings report if you are experiencing any server performance issues caused by this plugin.
Change log
- Added lang.yml. You can now customize the entity's name showing in %e_name%. The predefined name will be used if the entity type is not defined in lang.yml.
Change log
- Fixed enemy's bar not disappearing when damaging different mobs
- Hopefully fixed sometimes enemy's bar not disappearing
Change log
- Fixed sometimes NullPointerException is thrown when player joins
- Added direction placeholders
- Added extra option to control the time of the boss bar staying on screen when hp <= 0
- Added option to control the interval between direction placeholder updates
- Added custom boss bar color&style for different damage cause
- Added WorldGuard hook to change boss bar's color&style when enter/leave region (WorldGuard and WorldGuard Events required)
***Due to config structure changes, you are strongly advised to delete the old config.yml and generate a new one. Otherwise, it might cause errors. No support will be given if using the old config file.***
Change log
- Added PlaceholderAPI support, you may now use Papi's placeholder in config
- Fixed no enemy's bar is shown when hitting mobs with projectiles
Change log
- Hopefully fixed IllegalArgumentException
- Added Enemy's Bar blacklist. You may add entity type into blacklist so that they won't have EnemyBar displayed
Change log
- Temporarily fixed EnemyBar not removing
If you are still having issues that EnemrBar not removing after config-defined ticks, most likely your computer's System.currentTimeMillis() is not updating fast enough, there is no way (or I'm stupid) to fix this on my side.
Change log
- Fixed boss bar not being affected by /bbh hide
Change log
- Fixed EnemyBar not shown when SelfBar is disabled
- Fixed attacking multiple entities cause boss bar duplicates
- Fixed ClassCastException when damaging non-living entities (eg. ItemFrame, EnderCrystal)
- Changed BossBarHealth.Self.Scale and BossBarHealth.Enemy.Scale to 1.0 to avoid confusion
Change log
- Fixed damaging non-player entities not triggering enemy's bar
- Fixed cancelled damage event showing enemy's bar
Change log
- Full release (yay~)
- Completely recoded
- Added permission to execute commands
- Added format for HP lost/gain of self & enemy's HealthBar
- Added option for how long the HP lost/gain of self & enemy will last for
- Added option for enemy's HealthBar overrides self HealthBar
- Fixed sometimes HP changing not triggering HealthBar to change
***Due to config structure changes, you are strongly advised to delete the old config.yml and generate a new one. Otherwise, it might cause errors. No support will be given if using the old config file.***
Change log
- Fixed projectile damage not triggering health bar
- Fixed damaging entity with no display name causes NullPointerException
Change log
- Added custom name support for mobs (eg. MythicMobs, Renamed spawn egg)
Change log
- Added metrics. If you use this plugin, it means that you agree that the plugin collects your server data
Change log
- Added option to toggle self health bar
- Hopefully fixed sometimes enemy's health bar not disappearing
Known bugs
- Due to the last bug fix, if the current hp > max hp - 1, it will show full hp instead
Change log
- Fixed NullPointerException when plugin event involves custom player NPCs (eg. Citizens)
- Hopefully fixed sometimes with full hp but showing 19.xx/20 even with 10 hearts
Change log
- Fixed %e_hp_int% and %e_max_int% not working
Change log
- Fixed enemy shows even with it disabled
- Fixed sometimes hp integer will show less hp than the player/enemy has
Change log
- Added enemy's boss bar
- Added help command
- Added new placeholders