Minecraft Tic Tac Toe is a fun, strategic mini-game that brings the classic pen-and-paper game into the world of Minecraft. Players face off on a 3x3 grid, taking turns to place their marks (X or O) and attempting to line up three in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. This interactive game adds a fun, competitive element to multiplayer Minecraft sessions and can be enjoyed by players of all ages!
Fully costomisable messages.
Can join just by clicking on the game.
Fast setup only one command.
Setup: Drop the plugin jar in to the plugins folder restart the server. On the server look at a 3x3 area and run the command "/ttt setup <name>" and you're done.
Commands: /ttt setup <name> - Creates a game. /ttt reload - Reloads the config.
Permissions: TicTacToe.setup - To set the game.
Code (YAML):
# Messages section message:
game_name_already_exists: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &cGame with this name already exists!" game_does_not_exist: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &cGame with this name does't exist!" not_enough_space_for_game: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &cThere isn't enough space for the game!" not_looking_at_a_block: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &cYou need to be looking at the block when creating a game!" game_created: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &aGame created!" game_removed: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &eGame removed!" config_reloaded: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &aConfiguration reloaded!" no_permission: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &cYou don't have permission to do this!" can_not_break_game_blocks: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &cYou cannot break this block, it has a game ItemFrame attached to it!" game_can_not_be_played_not: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &cGame can't be played this moment!" you_are_already_in_game: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &cYou're already in another game!" player_lose_because_left_game: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &c<player> &flost the game because they left!" player_left_game: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &c<player> &fleft the game." player_join_game: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &e<player> &fjoined the game." wait_for_another_player_to_join: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &eWait for another player to join the game." wait_for_your_turn: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &eWait for your turn!" game_played_by_others: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &cGame is already being played by other players!" spot_already_taken: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &eThis spot is already taken! Please choose another." your_turn: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &eIt's your turn!" game_over_tie: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &fGame over, it's a tie!" game_over_won: "&8[&6TicTacToe&8] &fGame over <team> <player> &fwon the game!"
# Settings section settings:
max_play_distance: 10
your_turn_sound: BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_HARP
material_x: RED_CONCRETE
material_o: BLUE_CONCRETE
material_none: WHITE_CONCRETE
celebration_spin_sound: ENTITY_GLOW_ITEM_FRAME_ROTATE_ITEM
lose_sound: BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND
# Commands # you can use <player> when not using player mode ( give <player> gold ). # as well as <uuid>. player = false means the console executes commands. win:
command: - 'give <player> minecraft:gold_ingot'
player: false
command: [] player: false
Before you buy the plugin make sure to read carefully this page just so you'll understand what you're getting.
Terms and conditions: This plugin cannot be refunded. You aren't allowed to redistribute/resell this plugin. You aren't allowed to modify or decompile the plugin.