#WelcomeMSG Plugin by DippyCoder #https://github.com/dippycoder #Do not sell this plugin or give it up as yours! #Minecraft colors: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Formatting_codes#Color_codes
#The beginning of every Text, let the prefix blank if you don't want to use it! prefix: "§8§l[§r§bWelcomeMSG§8§l]§r "
#Sends a message when the player don't have the permission no-permission: "§cYou do not have the permission to do that!" #Sends a message when the command is disabled disabled-command: "§cThis command is disabled!"
#It looks like this: prefix + text-start + Player + text-end, let sth blank if you don't want to use sth! #When the player joins player-join:
text-start: "§eWelcome §a" text-end: " §eto our server!" enabled: true
#When the player leaves player-quit:
text-start: "§eThe player §a" text-end: " §ehas left our server!" enabled: true
#Message to the player that joined player-msg:
text-start: "§eWelcome §a" text-end: " §eto the best server!" enabled: false