Fixed error in allies menu
Added option to send ads in actionbar
Fixed NullPointer in ads system
Fixed NullPointer in invites menu
Fixed error in bulletin system
Added option to block tags and names from being used in clans
Added %yclans_totalmembers% and %yclans_onlinemembers% placeholders
Added option to block the clan from being disbanded by the leader while having money in the bank
Fixed error to open the top in some cases
Fixed error in the system of creating rivalry and alliance
Fixed visual problem in the bulletin system
It is now possible to put -1 in the top slots (money and kdr)
Fixed possible cost check error
Compatible with 1.19
Fixed bug in member management menu
Added compatibility with Hikari (recommended for larger servers). More menus were brought to the langs. Added compatibility with OpeNChat and UltimateChat
All menus were transported to the langs. New en-yClans configuration ready. Fixed name conflict (did not get the exact player)
Fixed UTF-8.
New banner creation method (compatible with 1.16) was carried out.
Added placeholders for newsletters messages in options.yml ({date} and {hour}).
Now when you disable any main clan menu, it will not conflict with the slots or appear to apply the permission.
Added new newsletter format in options.yml (Message: '& 7 [{date} - {hour}] {msg}')