- Fixed cost placeholder
- Tried new fix for zombies spawning as baby or on chickens
- Fixed permanent multipliers not being registered
- Fixed item-blacklist-is-whitelist check not working as intended.
- Fixed format not working on cost placeholder.
- Fixed disenchanting refund amount.
- Fixed new generated config files having the cost broken.
- Adjusted MySQL structure.
- Added economy name customizable.
- Added commas format customizable.
- Added refund amount placeholder.
- Added 3 new placeholders: total, temporary and permanent multiplier percentages.
- Added automatic whitelist for default enchants to enchant their target item.
[Fix] Fixed enchant cmd that was taking extra money for levels that didn't add.
[Fix] Enchant refund system that wasn't respecting the price increase formula.
[Add] Added new enchant lore ordering feature.
Made slight code corrections and optimized imports.
- Fixed recursive explosions bug that caused the server to freeze.
- Now if actions does not specify the location, it will use the activating location by default.
- Changed "max-watching-direction-distance" to "max-raycast-distance".
- Added the possibility to change the block break and interact listeners priority.
- Fixed BASED_ON_LEVEL not checking for max level.
- Improved block removal algorithm.
- Increased the enchant actions efficiency by 35%.
- Optimized the enchant action loading system.
- Added new debug messages and anti-break feature.
- Decreased the weight of the actions that require to specify a location.
- Fixed the SPAWN_PARTICLE action and added the new SHAPE feature.
- Updated the enchant files with a new style.
- Added new economy multipliers feature.
- Added new economy recap feature.
- Fixed major bug that allowed players to bypass the enchant cost.
- FIxed potions effects getting cleared when chaning item slot to nothing.
- Optimized economy and messages methods + code cleanup.
- Added new economy multipliers feature.
- Added new economy recap feature.
- Fixed major bug that allowed players to bypass the enchant cost.
- FIxed potions effects getting cleared when chaning item slot to nothing.
- Optimized economy and messages methods + code cleanup.
- Added new cost increase formula 100% customizable.
- Optimized some enchant adding methods.
- Improved stability in the enchant registering method.
Added base_cost placeholder.
Added the ability to see the cost placeholder on more levels per time.
- Fixed cost multiplier working only on custom enchant.
- Fixed cost multiplier using the wrong formula to get the price.
- Fixed config settings not updating.
- Added enchant cost multiplier, optimized many methods and reorganized the plugin to make it more understandable.
- Added SEND_MESSAGE, SEND_TITLE, PLAY_SOUND enchant actions.
- Removed the on-activation-sound / title and message.
- Added the ability to remove the exploded block drops for compatibility reasons.
- Reworked saving method fixing the data loss bug and optimized a lot of methods.
- Reworked MySQL system to make it more stable.
- Added transaction log system.
- Removed useless debug message.
- Added the ability to fire blockbreakevent with the exploded blocks.
Fixed item actions not recognizing the player name.
- Fixed config not updating its version.
- Fixed item actions not being registered.
- Fixed a bug where PrisonEnchants wasn't enabling if not having AdvancedAutoSmelt downloaded.
- Added new hyper fast break system synchronized with AdvancedAutoSmelt.
- Added autosmelt feature (with AdvancedAutoSmelt)
- Added silktouch support (with AdvancedAutoSmelt)
- Improved general performance.
Changed placeholders enchant identifier from {} to :
Fixed placeholders and added economy placeholders.
Added the possibility to process AIR, VOID_AIR and BEDROCK in the PrisonEnchantsExplosionEvent
- Fixed /pe placeholders command
- Fixed potion enchants not working and optimized them.
- Fixed a bug when saving playerdata.
- Added support for latest versions.
- Removed support for versions older than 1.16 due to incompatibility problems.
- Fixed an enchant lore bug.
- Added /pe placeholders command.
- Reworked the placeholders so they are now faster.
- Added /pe economyList and /pe discord cmds.
- Various fixes and optimizations.
- Added the ability to add external economies to the plugin.