Night Market A new way to boost your server's revenue
Designed to boost your revenue Night Market is inspired by the game called Valorant. It is designed to be highly customizable. You can add rarities, set chances per rarity and change any aspect of the plugin. You can also add items directly in-game.
None of our GUI's are hardcoded; everything can be modified. We also support Custom Model Data if you want to create unique designs for your Night Market.
Want to test out the plugin? You can join our test server at and type /nightmarket
These dependencies are not required for the plugin to run, but they do indeed add compatibility for many features, like MiniMessage.
Wanna support us? You can donate here! Donating helps us out a lot for maintaining this plugin and the insane discord support, also helps to keep our online services running for the community and for the plugin itself. All donations are appreciated Tags: Night, Market, Shop, Revenue, Valorant, Points