invite Do you want to add an invitation system to your server? Then download this plugin and just install it It can run reliably on almost any bungeecord-based server
QQ GROUP: 1012941716 FEATURES:
Cooldown time is supported for sending invitations
Server name substitution in BC configuration is supported
Hover text is supported, as well as other text features
The number of players is displayed
And so on...
Code (Text):
Code (Text):
invite.send # Please give player!
Although our introduction is very brief, it has a lot to offer
Code (Text):
# BungeeCord Plugin: Invite by MagicalKX
# These config is here
# Cooldown (seconds)
Cooldown: 100
# Reminder message during cooldown
InCooldown: "&cYou have to wait &b%time% &c seconds before you can send a server-wide message again."
# The format of the server-wide message
GlobalMessageFormat: "&a[Message] &e%player%&a send a invite to you "
Enable: false
Format: "&a[Message] &e%player% say: %message% &band invite you"
# Clickable button text
ClickButtonName: "&b[Click!]"
# Hover tooltip text
HoverText: "&aClick to transfer to &b%server%"
Lobby: # The name of the server you configured in BungeeCord
Name: "&b&lLOBBY" # Replace the name of the server in your BungeeCord configuration
Name: "&c&lLogin Server"
# And so on, you can add unlimited such configurations
Found a problem? Add my wechat dll764 or QQ 488286639