+ Added support for spigot version 1.21.4.
+ Added version info when a version is not supported.
+ Fixed a minor issue with the paper jar version being incorrect.
+ Fixed an error in console related to anvils.
+ Added 1.21.4 support for paper, spigot, folia and purpur.
+ Added direct support to folia.
+ Added a server type check that is displayed on startup (Paper, Purpur, Spigot or Folia).
+ Added a new option in the config ("item-change-delay" since this is different on each server type).
+ Fixed paper details not being correctly loaded.
+ Fixed a MAJOR issue of certain material types affecting others.
+ Fixed duplicating buckets on version 1.21 and above.
+ Fixed buckets from furnaces launching randomly.
+ Improved overall code readability/functionality.
+ Added support for version 1.21.3.
+ Fixed incorrect version values for paper.
+ Fixed stacked rabbit stew, suspicious stew and beetroot soup.
+ Fixed stacked buckets of axolotl, cod, pufferfish, tropical fish and salmon.
+ Fixed stacked milk buckets not giving the empty bucket.
+ Fixed stacked powdered snow buckets not working correctly.
+ Fixed when smelting stacked lava buckets (now drops a bucket).
+ Fixed water and lava bucket logic not working correctly.
+ Fixed water logging blocks not being applied.
+ Fixed a duplication glitch when putting music discs inside jukebox.
+ Many improvements to the code.
+ Added hopper transfer support for paper versions 1.20.4+.
+ Added a check to make sure it is the brewing stand inventory being clicked.
+ Fixed an issue with a limited amount of hopper transfer items breaking brewing stands.
+ Fixed a duplication glitch that could occur when spamming potions in a brewing stand.
+ Added support for MiniMessages in the config ("use-mini-message").
+ Fixed some wording in the config.yml.
+ Added support for brewing stands for versions 1.18-1.20.6.
+ Added a check for hoppers moving potions into brewing stands so these now do not stack on lower versions.
+ Added "one-potion-per-slot" option in config for versions lower than 1.18 for potion brewing.
+ Added a lot more checks for inventory update method to be called on lower versions (more efficient).
+ Fixed the "default-stack-type" typo in the config (old value will still work).
+ Fixed lower versions having "SPLASH_POTION" in the default config.
+ Fixed some event priority values.
+ Fixed stacking ALL items in inventory on lower versions.
+ Temporarily prevented villager trading with items that have modified stack sizes as this was glitched.
+ Updated the front page with a list of known issues.
+ Changed to plugin to BETA version as still need to spend time fixing a few different issues.
+ Fixed duping issues in spawn protected regions with BlockPlace and Ignite events.
+ Fixed stacking items in brewing stands so they now only allow one potion.
+ Fixed the /stack command with versions lower than 1.9.
+ Added a check for ignoring cancelling events.
+ Fixed the issue with booting up on versions lower than 1.18.
+ Fixed the issue with mushroom stew on versions lower than 1.18.
+ Fixed the issue with item names in versions lower than 1.18.
+ Fixed the issue using the /stacks reload command on version 1.18.
+ Fixed the issue with stacking items not updating instantly on lower versions (Added config value "update-inventory-on-merge").
+ Fixed plugin not working on lower versions of Java.
+ Fixed an issue with /give with the amount of 1 saying not stackable.
+ Fixed an issue with searching for items in lowercase (which didn't exist).
+ Fixed an issue with supporting lower versions.
+ Added support for Java version 8+.
+ Fixed an issue with /give and using "minecraft:" in the front.
+ Fixed an issue with /give launching errors.
+ Fixed an issue with stacking items being greater than the max stack (will now separate them).
+ Fixed stacking items in an anvil, you could stack unlimited items and make them all have same enchants, etc.
+ Added an option in the config to "disallow-stacked-anvil-items".
+ Fixed damageable items such as tools breaking on version 1.21.
+ Fixed using /give with damageable items.
+ Added support for version 1.21.1
+ Cleaned up some more code.
+ Fixed an issue with "max-stack-for-all-items" when setting a separate item in "items" section.
+ Changed "max-stack-for-all-items" so you can still use the "items" section with a custom stack amount.
+ Added regex support for all item type names in "items" section.
+ Fixed an issue with executing stack command from console.
+ Fixed a minor issue with config wording.
Still working on a fix for the visual glitch in containers.
Changelog -
+ Fixed a minor issue that improves performance for users not using certain item stack types.
+ Added a new argument for the command /stack [HAND, ALL].
+ Added a new section in the config:
Code (YAML):
# Stack command
# Default Stack Type = HAND / ALL
# Hand stacks all items player is holding
# All stacks all the items in the player's inventory
# Command = /stack or /stack [HAND/ALL]
: true
: 'HAND'
+ Fixed placing a lava or water bucket with multiple stacked.
+ Fixed combining stacked books on anvil would use the whole stack.
+ Fixed consuming mushroom stew with multiple stacked.
+ Fixed config.yml being removed from the plugin.
+ Removed some unused areas of the code.
+ Cleaned up some areas of the code.
+ Added a command /stack to stack all items in your inventory (STACKS.COMMAND).
+ Added a check for AIR material to prevent glitching plugin.
+ Added a /stacks reload command which requires permission ("STACKS.RELOAD").
+ Added a lang.yml file with some messages for reloading, permissions, etc.
+ Added cached materials so can restore old stack amounts on reload.
+ Fixed an issue with blacklisting items.
+ Changed blacklist to "whitelist" as this was incorrectly worded.
+ Improved some areas of the code.
+ Minor code improvements.
+ Added a new config option that allows you to set a max stack for ALL in-game items.
+ Added an option for a blacklist if the above option is enabled to remove some items from this list.
+ Fixed an issue with version 1.20.6.
+ Some minor code improvements.
+ Fixed an issue with absolute max stack size per version.
+ Done some minor code improvements.
+ Added support for Spigot 1.20.6+.
+ Updated to the latest version of Spigot.
+ Now works with any Spigot fork (including paper and folia).
You will need to reset your config.yml when installing this new version.
This is for readability purpose and will not happen again.
+ Changed config.yml so much more readable.
+ Added an update check on startup for new versions (+ option to disable this).
- Updated Java to version 22.
- Added api-version to plugin.yml
+ Changed the plugin name to something more suitable.