WARNING (1): You can now use the latest version of LimboAPI, it will work. WARNING (2): This is a BETA, used by me for collecting feedbacks and bugs, for anything just open a ticket. WARNING (3): The wiki has been updated with the new configuration and known bugs, please look after it. WARNING (4): Since the config got so many changes, is recommended a full reset (all files) WARNING (5): Commands, such as /fs create, add, remove are disabled for the upcoming stable WARNING (6): The new version require the latest version of BungeeCord / Velocity available
I'll use
two asterisk to indicate both BungeeCord and Velocity.
Again, reset your config files, for a better experience.
(NEW) Chat and commands are now working in LimboAPI.
(NEW) Ping logic: (DEFAULT, SOCKET) [**]
(NEW) You can now use the addon on a PHYSICAL RECONNECT SERVER [**] (Velocity will use the Limbo)