[/] Fixed PacketHandler null issue.
[/] Fixed Timer check to prevent false flags caused by severe server lag.
[/] Fixed SpeedA. Now there less false positives.
[/] Implemented a delay for anti-cheat flags upon server join.
[/] Fixed NoslowA null issue.
[+] Switched to PacketEvents
[+] Completely recoded
[/] Fixed some false positives
[/] FIxed BadPacketsF
[+] Added JesusB
[-] Removed MovementK and MovementJ
[/] Fixed MovementF
[+] Added new parameters to the config
[+] Added Pattern A, B
[+] Added /cac info command (cac.info)
[+] Added BadPacketsF
[+] Added BadPacketsG
[/] Fixed MovementB (fixed on block ladders)
[/] Fixed MovementJ (fixed on taking damage)
[/] Fixed MovementC (vines, ladders, lava)
[/] Fixed MovementH (block ladders)
[/] Fixed MovementG (block ladders)
[/] Improved MovementA
[/] Fixed adding VL
[/] Fixed cancel-vl
[+] Added MovementK
[+] Added BadPacketsE
[/] Fixed false positives in Movement H, E, B, C
[/] Improved MovementJ
[/] Fixed Settings.auto-verbose (config)
[/] Cleaned up code
[/] Redesign spigot page (thank to @xSviatoslaw)
[-] Removed smart-vl from the config
[/] Fixed false positives in MovementB
[/] Fixed false positives in MovementC
[/] Improved RotationA check
[+] Added MovementJ check
[+] Added Settings.vl-reset-time and Settings.auto-verbose to config
[+] Added /cac reload command (cac.reload)
[/] Fixed errors in console.
[/] Fixed cancel-vl.
[/] Fixed false positives in RotationA
[+] Added RotationB check.
[/] Fixed false positives on ice
[/] Fixed BadPacketsA.
[/] Fixed false positives with Movement (H, G, F, B)
[/] Improved MovementA
[/] Fixed invalid messages in console.
[+] Added RotationA.
[+] Added сancel-vl
[+] Added BadPacketsD.
[+] Added MovementI.
[/] Fixed Console Error.
[/] Fixed False positive with horses.
[+] Added MovementG check.
[+] Added MovementH check.
[/] improved check MovementA
[+] Added MovementF (fly) check
[/] Fixed false positives with levitation potions
[+] Added BadPackets checks (A, B, C)
[/] Fixed false positives with boat
[/] Fixed false positives with slime block
[/] Fixed false positives with speed and jump potions
[/] Fixed false positives in Jesus check
[/] Fixed false positives in Movement check
[+] Added /verbose command
[/] Fixed a large number of false positive with elytra
[/] Fixed false positives related to the /speed command (EssentialsX / CMI)
[/] Fixed console error
[+] Added update checker
[/] Fixed false positives in Movement check
[/] Fixed console error
[/] Fixed notify
[+] Add permission cac.notify
[+] The anti-cheat has switched to ProtocolLib. Which has enabled more efficient checks and further optimization of the plugin itself.
[+] Fully recoded. This will allow for faster updates in the future.
[+] Added two movements checks.
[+] Fixed Falsely checks.
[+] Added Strafe checks.
[/] Updated config
[/] Fixed false positives in fly check
[+] Added a new fly check
[/] Fixed some false positives on speed
[/] Fixed some speed bypass
[+] add reset vl every 5 minutes
Fixed false positives in speed.horizontal, fly.predict