/chunk help
Display the help message
/chunk info
Display the info of the chunk you are in
/chunk claim
Claim the chunk you are in
/chunk unclaim
Unclaim the chunk you are in
/chunk addmember <player>
Add a member to the chunk you are in
/chunk removemember <player>
Remove a member from the chunk you are in
Admin commands (roleplaychunks.admin)
/chunkadmin help
Display the admin help message
/chunkadmin count
Display the chunk count
/chunkadmin create
Register the chunk you are in
/chunkadmin delete
Unregister the chunk you are in
/chunkadmin reloadconfig
Reload config
/chunkadmin forceunclaim
Forcefully unclaim another player's chunk
/chunkadmin forceclaim <plyer> [keepMembers]
Forcefully claim a chunk to a player
(If keepMembers is true, the previous members will not be removed)
Chunk permissions
All permissions
Place blocks
Break blocks
Interact with blocks (containers, doors...)
Vault support
RoleplayChunks adds support for Vault Economy. This allows you to set a price for claiming chunks and/or a prize for chunk unclaiming