* Disable Hunger
* Disable Damage
* DisableRain
* DisableBlockBreak
* DisableBlockPlace
* DisableBlockBurn
* DisableDropItem
* DisableItemMove
* DisableItemDamage
* DisablePickUpItems
* DisableExplode
* DisableDeathMessage
* ClearDropsOnDeath
* JoinClearInventory
* JoinClearChat
* Custom LobbyItems
* VoidTP to Spawn
* Join MotdMessage
* Silent StaftJoin
* Disable JoinMessage
* Custom JoinMessage
* JoinTitle.
* JoinSubtitle.
* JoinSpawn.
* Multiple spawn.
* Command Spawn.
* Join Header,and Footer.
* Multiple command lines in menu and item.
* Different types of commands in menu and item..
* JoinGameMode.
* AlwaysDay.
* JoinBossBar.
* JoinFirework.
* Server Selector.
* CommandsBlacklist.
* InfoCommands.
* CustomEvents.
* Multiple Menus.
* Menu by world.
* JoinActionBar.
* Custom prefix.
* Images of Skull in menu and item.
* MessageAnnouncer.
* TitlesAnnouncer.
* BossBarAnnouncer.
* ActionBarAnnouncer.
* Animated Scoreboard.
* ChatFormat.
* DisableCreatureSpawn.
* FarmProtect.
* FrameProtect.
* Items EnchantGlow.
* Items skull textures and url.
* JumpPads.
* BossBar Native without dependencies.
* Join Command.
* Disable Tab Complete.
* Tab Complete Whitelist
* Define exclusive spawn for rank users.
* Spawn protection by block radio.
* 100% Customizable
CartiCraft - 2$
This plugin use the following variables
- <player> - Name of the player
- <displayname> - Nick of ehe player
- <world> - World in which the player is
- <ucode%> - Replace % with the unicode code (http://unicode-table.com/en/)
- <1> - ✖
- <2> - ♥
- <3> - ★
- <4> - ●
- <5> - ♦
- <6> - ☻
- <7> - ►
- <8> - ◄
- <9> - ▬
- <10> - ✪
- <11> - ✔
- <12> - ❉
- <13> - ■
- <14> - ▀
- <15> - ▄
- <16> - ☠
- <17> - ☭
- <18> - ™
- <19> - ◢
- <20> - ◣
- <21> - ❣
- <22> - ☀
- <23> - ❀
- <24> - ☪
- <25> - ☣
- <26> - ☒
- <27> - ☎
- <28> - ░
- <29> - ☑
- <30> - »
- <31> - «
Variables accent:
- <a> - á
- <e> - é
- <i> - í
- <o> - ó
- <u> - ú
Support for hex colors in minecraft versions higher than 1.16
Use the following format: "
For more Placeholders use
PlaceholderAPI placeholders
List of commands
- /sl setspawn <spanwname> - Set the lobby spawn.
- /sl setspawnpermission <spanwname> <permissionnode> - To set a specific permission for a spawn that only ranked users can use.
- /sl setspawnradius <spanwname> <radius> - To establish the radius of protection of a spawn.
- /sl remspawn - Remove spawn from lobby.
- /sl reload - Reload the config.
List of permissions
- superlobby.use - To use the plugin.
- superlobby.admin - To use administrative commands (/SL Reload, /SL remSpawn, /SL setSpawn).
- superlobby.staff - Used to bypass protection plugin.(BlockBreak,BlockPlace,DropItem,ItemMove, etc).
- superlobby.menu - To be able to use the menu
- superlobby.chat.color To use colors in the chat.
- superlobby.chat.magic To use matrix format in the chat
No more Commands at the Moment.
- Copy the JAR file in the directory of plugins
- Restart the server to install.
- (Optional) Install the Plugin DeluxePlayerOptions To have many more options
- (Optional) Install the ReferralSystem plugin to have more users to your server.
- (Optional) Install the DeluxeMaintenance plugin To manage the maintenance of your server.
- (Optional) Install the Prestiges plugin to make your server more attractive with experience, levels and custom ranks.
- And enjoy the plugin!.
Main configuration