What has changed:
- Folia support
- Cmi holograms fixed
- Corruption breaking spawner fixed
- Ownership system added (trust system as well through /vmodify)
- Sqlite has been fully remade (10x faster, crash & high-concurrency support)
- A new option to enable so that the durability of an item decrements when breaking a spawner
- Added /vs nbt, to check the nbt of an item (for debugging purposes)
- ShopGui+/EcoShopGui spawner integration now works without choosing the shop inside hooks.yml
- Memory optimization for spawners
- For random loot now we use xorshift (a lot better than before)
- When doing /vs (anything in here thats not ok) it would give you an error
- /vs reload fixed
- Hopper transfer is now a lot more optimized, shouldnt cause lag anymore
- ExcellentShop is now fully integrated into Virtual Spawners
- Fixed /vs log
- Small Optimization tweaks
- Dynamic Shop & Currency Integration (everyone can add their own currency/shop prices through our api)
- Fixed hex color only working in some spawners
- Added custom time for normal boosters when using /vs givebooster
- Moved superiorskyblock/currency/shop to hooks.yml (which has been moved to the main folder)
- Added collect all button in spawner menu
- Corruption solve radius
-> If multiple spawners are corrupted, when 1 spawner corruption is solved
-> It will also solve the others that are within the radius