✨Mortis Battle Royale✨ Loot | Survive | Fight| Be the last one standing! icon

✨Mortis Battle Royale✨ Loot | Survive | Fight| Be the last one standing! -----

Battle Royale/Resurgence | Loot, Fight and be the last one standing or the highest kills holder.

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  • Gamemodes:
  1. Battle Royale: Join the battle zone, retrieve materials and prepare yourself for an immersive fight inside the zone or you would die outside the zone. Be the last one standing to win the match.
  2. Resurgence: Gather materials and always be prepare for war but don't worry you got unlimited respawns. Hunt for players to be among the top 3 winners with highest kills.
  • GUI System: A complete and easy GUI system to join the 2 gamemodes.

  • Players Queue System: Players are queued in a separate world and teleported once the numbers of players specified have been reached.

  • World management: The plugin automatically creates a new world for either battleroyale or resurgence mode and once the match is over the world is automatically deleted. And do not worry, the plugin is capable of creating unlimited match worlds.

  • Winner announcer:
  1. Battle Royale: The last player to survive among all is announced as the winner.
  2. Resurgence: After the border has completely shrink, top 3 players with the highest number of kills are announced as the winner.
  • Match spectating: Players can spectate the match once they are eliminated. Only works in battleroyale as no respawn is granted.

  • Parachute: Players are automatically given an elytra and removed once they reach the land.


Opens the main GUI.
Requires "mortis.battleroyale.gui" permission.

Set the lobby for players queuing for battle royale.
Requires "mortis.battleroyale.setlobbybr" permission.

Set the lobby for players queuing for resurgence.
Requires "mortis.battleroyale.setlobbyrs" permission

Leave the battle royale match after you have been eliminated or is still a survivor.
Requires no permission.

Leave the resurgence match after you have been eliminated or is still a survivor.
Requires no permission.


* = Important

● Terraform Generator*

● PlaceholderAPI*

● LuckPerms (Optional)



world-size: 500 # 500 means 500x500
pvp-enabled-time: 60 # in seconds
tp-world: "spawn" # this is the world where players will be teleported upon winning or leaving match.
world-size: 200 # 200 means 200x200
tp-world: "spawn" # this is the world where players will be teleported upon winning or leaving match.

# Commands that are restricted while in the match world. (World names starting with battleroyale or resurgence are included as match world.)
- "tp"
- "home"
- "spawn"
- "warp"
world-name: "lobby_br" # Name of the lobby where players are teleported for que.
player-size: 10 # Numbers of player needed to start the match.

world-name: "lobby_dm" # Name of the lobby where players are teleported for que.
player-size: 10 # Numbers of player needed to start the match.
br-not-enough-players: "&cWaiting for enough players to start the match."
rs-not-enough-players: "&cWaiting for enough players to start the match."
br-lobby-full: "&aLobby is full, teleporting all the players to the battle zone..."
rs-lobby-full: "&aLobby is full, teleporting all the players to the resurgence zone..."
lobby-set-br: "&aSuccessfully set lobby spawn at your current location for battleroyale."
lobby-set-dm: "&aSuccessfully set lobby spawn at your current location resurgence."
br-elimination: "&cEliminated! [Tip: You can spectate the match or do /brleave to leave the match and que for another one if you wish to.]"
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 435
First Release: Nov 4, 2023
Last Update: Sep 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
3 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings