This plugin is a remake of this plugin, the original author is Haileykins.
About This Plugin:
This plugin is straightforward to use, with very few player-issued commands (or none at all if that's how you want to run your server!) At the core all your players need is a single permission node (see below, under permissions) to use the basic feature, disenchanting items.
How To Use: This plugin is quite amazing due to how simple it is, but how much it adds to Minecraft, and how 'true' to Vanilla Minecraft it feels.
All a player needs to do is walk up to an Enchantment Table (or block of your choice, see default configuration), with the enchanted item they would like to disenchant in their main (right) hand, then all they need to do is right click and shift. As long as they have the permission node, a book and quill (disable-able in config!), and the money or experience points required, they will get their enchantment taken off the item, and given to them as an enchanted book.
**Trying to start the plugin with the use economy set to true when Vault is not installed will force the plugin to use Experience Points as currency as well. If you have Vault installed and its charging experience but you want it to charge money, check your config to make sure use-economy is set to true, and check your server logs on startup for this line: No Vault Found. Resorting To XP Purchases!
100% Configurable Messages
Reload-able Configuration File AND Language File
Charge In-Game Currency OR Experience Points
Ban Certain Items From Being Disenchanted
Ban Certain Enchantments From Being Disenchanted
Each Enchantment Various Power Levels Can Have Their Own Price
Hold Shift and Right Click With Enchanted Item/Book To Open the Disenchanting Menu On The Enchanting Table
Built-In Update Notification System
Access To Disenchantment Menu Via Command
Configure What Block Acts As The Disenchantment Block
Charge Player A Book-And-Quill as Well as In-Game Currency or Experience Points, Or Just Charge In-Game Currency or Experience Points
/disenchanted or /de /disenchant - Opens GUI Disenchantment Menu (If You Have The Permission Node)
/disenchanted reload [config] [lang] - Without the file, it reloads both files, otherwise specify a file to reload
/disenchnated commonname - get the common name of the enchant you are holding
/disenchanted help - shows help menu
disenchanted.disenchant - permission to access disenchantment menu via clicking the disenchantment block
disenchanted.disenchant.remote - permission to access disenchantment menu via command
disenchanted.admin - access to reload and common name commands
disenchanted.update - see update alerts when you join if plugin needs updated
Code (YAML):
# USE-ECONOMY: Set to TRUE to charge money (requires Vault), set to FALSE to charge XP Levels # CAN-DISENCHANT-BOOKS: Set to TRUE to make player able to disenchant enchanted books # REQUIRE-BOOK-AND-QUILL: Set to TRUE to require the player to have a book and quill to write the removed enchantment to, # the book and quill will be taken from them and turned into an enchanted book, set to FALSE to disable this, and just # give the player an enchanted book when disenchanting # DISENCHANTING-BLOCK: The block players will interact with to disenchant items using this plugin, MUST BE ALL CAPS WITH # UNDERSCORES FOR SPACES # ANNOUNCE-UPDATES: Alert players that have a specific permission that an update is available on Spigot for this plugin # when they join # DEFAULT-COSTS: In Case There Is An Enchant That Not Have A Level Price Specify, But The Level Is In This List It Will Use That # DEFAULT-COST: In Case There Is An Enchant That Not Have A Level Price Specify In The DEFAULT-COSTS List It Will Use This One # DISABLED-ENCHANTS: Enchants That Can Not Be Removed At All, These MUST BE ALL LOWERCASE WITH UNDERSCORE FOR SPACES # BANNED-ITEMS: Items Here Will Not Be Permitted To Be Disenchanted (A good use of this would be crate keys that are # enchanted) MUST BE ALL UPPERCASE! WITH UNDERSCORES FOR SPACES # ENCHANTMENTS: In this section resides all the enchantments in the game at the time of development as well as each level # that item can have by default (without unsafe enchantments turned on). # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | NOTE: THEORETICALLY if a new enchantment is added to the game, you should be able to manually enter the | # | enchantments 'common name' (what you see on the items lore screen in game), in the same format as the currently | # | listed enchantments, as well as all of its safe enchantment levels, and the corresponding cost you desire them to | # | have and the plugin will read that and handle it as if it was coded in to the plugin on release. This feature is | # | untested as of release to having all current enchantments already listed in the configuration file. If you do | # | decide to use this theoretical feature on your server, I recommend saving a backup of the config before doing so | # | just to be safe. | # | | # | Also theoretically if you desire to have unsafe enchantments enabled on your server, you can manually add those | # | up to as high as you wish them to be able to obtain through disenchanting via this plugin. This is also wholly | # | untested, so again, make sure to save a backup of your functioning config file before making edits like that. | # | | # | If you test or have tested these theoretical features, please message me on Discord: PoliZZZ, or on | # | SpigotMC: PoligamerYT, and let me know if it worked, didn't work, or didn't work as expected. I value that input | # | from you the community to continue making my plugins better and more advanced. | # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use-economy: false
can-disenchant-books: false
require-book-and-quill: true
disenchanting-block: ENCHANTING_TABLE
announce-updates: true
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
'5': 50
default-cost: 10
disabled-enchants: [] banned-items: [] enchantments:
'1': 10
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
'5': 50
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
'1': 10
'1': 100
'1': 100
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
'5': 50
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
'1': 10
'2': 20
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
'1': 10
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'2': 20
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
'5': 50
'1': 10
'1': 10
'2': 20
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'1': 10
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
'5': 50
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
'1': 10
'2': 20
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
'5': 50
'1': 10
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
'5': 50
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
'5': 50
'1': 10
'2': 20
'3': 30
'4': 40
Code (YAML):
# Do not translate the actual command in the help messages, all commands must be sent in English. Commands are provided # here for the user to customize the colors of their menu prefix: "&a[&5Disenchanted Reborn&a]" xp-symbol: " &5XP" economy-symbol: "&a$" menu-title: "&5Disenchantment Menu" cant-afford: "&cYou Cant Afford This" no-inv-space: "&cYou Don't Have Any Space in Your Inventory For This!" purchase-successful: "&aPurchase Successful" banned-item: "&cThis Item Has Been Banned From Disenchating!" banned-enchant: "&cThis Enchantment Has Been Banned From Being Disenchanted" writable-book-required: "&cYou must have at least one Book And Quill to Disenchant!" no-permission: "&cYou Do Not Have Permission To Do This!" must-be-player: "&cYou Must Be A Player To Use This Command" help-reload: "&5/disenchant reload config/lang - &aReloads The Given File" help-disenchant: "&5/disenchant - &aOpens Remote Disenchant Menu (Permission Required)" help-help: "&5/disenchant help - &aDisplays Command Help Menu" help-commonname: "&5/disenchant commonname - &aWhile You Have An Enchanted Book In Hand, You Can Get The Common Name Of The Enchantments In That Book For Proper Configuration" config-reloaded: "&aConfig File Successfully Reloaded" lang-reloaded: "&aLanguage File Successfully Reloaded" file-doesnt-exist: "&cThat File Does Not Exist, Please Specify Either &5CONFIG &cor &5LANG" invalid-command: "&cThat Command Is Invalid!" no-enchanted-book: "&cThe Item Need To Be An Enchanted Book!" empty-hand: "&cYou Need To Have An Enchanted Book In Your Hand!" empty-book: "&cThe Book Need To Have At Least One Enchantment!" enchant-commonname: "&aThe Common Name Is: &b"
The following spoiler is the common names for enchantments, these are used when disabling certain enchantments from disenchanting