This plugin allows players to make use of various beautiful cosmetics. The plugin is highly configurable and EULA friendly to allow for easy monetization.
The plugin supports VaultAPI to allow for usage of permission managers like LuckPerms
Commands alias /cc
/cosmetics : Open the cosmetics menu
/cosmetics toggle : Toggle the ability to see other player's cosmetics
/cosmetics version : Check the current plugin version
cosmetics.use : /cosmetics
cosmetics.togle : /cosmetics toggle
cosmetics.version : /cosmetics version
For a full list of permission nodes and all cosmetics types, please check the README on the Github repo page.
The plugin has a detailed lang.yml file to allow server owners to change the messages of the plugin as per their liking. The plugin will also generate a config.yml file.
For any queries/bug support please open a ticket on our discord server. Any bug reports or complaints in the reviews section will be ignored.