Hey everyone, a new MAStaff update has been rolled out.
◆ New feature: helpop command
We've added a global /helpop command, players can send requests if they have the mast.helpop permission, and players can receive requests if they have the mast.helpop.receive permission.
◆ New feature: staffchat toggle
With this new feature, if a player uses /sc without any argument, from that moment the messages sent to the chat will be sent directly to the staff chat, until the player executes /sc without any argument again.
◆ New feature: staffchat prefix
With this new feature, if you send any message to the chat starting with #, it will be sent to the staff chat instead of to the server chat.
◆ New feature: config updater
From now, when a new update with new customizable messages or options is released, after restarting the server with the new JAR file, new config sections will be generated automatically.
Remember that if you find any kind off error, you can report it via
https://discord.angelillo15.es or via PM on Spigot/BBB.