✨ Expanded Cooking ✨ (Food Quality Plugin) icon

✨ Expanded Cooking ✨ (Food Quality Plugin) -----

Adds food quality when you cook items. Gives player effects when consumed based on quality.



Package net.ddns.vcccd

This package contains classes related to cooking, leveling up cooking experience, and consuming food in a Minecraft Bukkit server.


[color=#ExpandedCooking] ChangeLevel[/color]

This class implements the CommandExecutor interface and provides functionality to change the cooking experience level of players.

- ChangeLevel(Main main): Constructs a ChangeLevel object with the specified Main instance.

- onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args): Overrides the onCommand method to handle the execution of the /setcookingexp command.

[color=#ExpandedCooking] CookedFood[/color]

This class implements the Listener interface and handles events related to cooking and furnace interactions.

- CookedFood(Main main): Constructs a CookedFood object with the specified Main instance.

- onCampFireCook(CampfireStartEvent event): Handles the event when a campfire cooking starts.
- onFurnaceSmelt(FurnaceSmeltEvent event): Handles the event when an item is smelted in a furnace.
- OnPlayerCook(FurnaceExtractEvent event): Handles the event when a player cooks food in a furnace.
- FurnaceInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event): Handles the event when a player interacts with a furnace.
- FurnacePlace(BlockPlaceEvent event): Handles the event when a furnace is placed by a player.

[color=#ExpandedCooking] EatFood[/color]

This class implements the Listener interface and handles events related to consuming food.

- EatFood(Main main): Constructs an EatFood object with the specified Main instance.

- onPlayerEat(PlayerItemConsumeEvent event): Handles the event when a player consumes food.

[color=#ExpandedCooking] GetLevel[/color]

This class implements the CommandExecutor interface and provides functionality to retrieve the cooking experience level of players.

- GetLevel(Main main): Constructs a GetLevel object with the specified Main instance.

- onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command, String label, String[] args): Overrides the onCommand method to handle the execution of the /getcookingexp command.

[color=#ExpandedCooking] LevelData[/color]

This class stores data related to food items and their corresponding experience values.

- getFoodExp(Material material): Retrieves the experience value of a given food material.

[color=#ExpandedCooking] Main[/color]

This class extends JavaPlugin and serves as the main entry point for the plugin.

- onEnable(): Initializes the plugin on server start-up.
- onDisable(): Cleans up resources on server shutdown.

[color=#ExpandedCooking] PlayerData[/color]

This class handles data storage and retrieval for player cooking experience and quality.

- PlayerData(Main main, Player player): Constructs a PlayerData object for the specified player.

- getCookingEXP(): Retrieves the cooking experience of the player.
- setCookingExp(int newLevel): Sets the cooking experience level of the player.
- getCookQuality(): Retrieves the quality of food cooked by the player.
- getChef(): Retrieves the name of the chef who cooked the food.


To use these classes, ensure that you have the required dependencies, such as Bukkit and Bungee APIs, configured in your project. Then, you can instantiate and use objects of the provided classes in your plugin to implement custom cooking, leveling, and food consumption mechanics in your Minecraft server.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 817
First Release: Apr 2, 2024
Last Update: Aug 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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