* 1.21.1+ Support
* Fixed custom head error
* Revert back to old Auto-Farm feature that focusing on using more threads to avoid server lag.
For servers who can't handle many threads, set this to 10 so only 10 collectors will be processed every collection interval
Code (Text):
collector-size-per-interval: 0 # set to 0 to disable
* Fix auto-farm for melon and pumpkin
* Fix auto-farm for melon and pumpkin
* New collector option for servers that keeps crashing because it cannot handle too many threads created
* Inventory Item Dupe fixed (Only 1 player at a time can open the collector inventory)
* Added CMI support for Hologram and Worth
* Added support for AxGens sellwand
* More optimized
* Collector saving error
* Console error
* Fixed crafting error console spam
* Fixed collection problem
* More optimized than the previous versions
* Fixed know bugs
* New command /cc list <player>
* More optimized than the previous versions
* Fixed know bugs
* Added support for minecraft version 1.21
* Collector will be deleted if it disappears unnaturally
* Fixed ExcellentShop support error
* Fixed Crafting error
* Fixed error spam in console
* Crafting gui has been moved to default Crafting table
* Fixed collection feature
* Fixed collection problem
* Collectors can now be crafted
* Added ExcellentShop support
* Fixed minor issues
* Fixed disabled auto features being accessible
* Fixed WildStacker support
* Fix AxGens support
* More optimized
* Fixed auto kill drops problem
* Fixed AxGens support
* More optimized
* Fixed dupe in collector's inventory when double clicking an item from a player's inventory.
* Fixed collector protection not working
* Fixed Rosestacker stacks dupe
* Fixed sweet berries getting back to age = 0 after being harvested by the collector
* Fixed auto farm not detecting farms below y = 0
* More optimized
* Fixed collector lore being stacked after breaking it
* Fixed /collector reload not reloading the buttons and messages
* Fixed filtered mobs GUI next button cannot be clicked
* new /collector settings command (just some basic config file values that can be edited in-game)
* Fixed player as killer option in config
* Fixed inventory navigation tiny issue
* Fixed player as killer option in config
* Fixed inventory navigation tiny issue
* Fixed player as killer option in config
* Fixed inventory navigation tiny issue
* Recoded and more optimize
* Fix auto farm feature problems
* New inventory system
* Can use any blocks for collector type, and a skin if you're using a player head
*AxGens pluginSupport
*Fixed auto-sell feature was enabled on default
*Fixed hologram location problem
* Fixed error when auto smelt is enabled
* Fixed Inventory upgrades being reset when destroyed
*Fixed collector drop dupe on break
*Fixed translation for place and give
*Auto arrange collector settings buttons
Fixed known error and collector limit bug.
* Auto-sell will now be triggered first before collecting the dropped items.
*Fixed commands not working if not op
- Add chunkcollector.use permission to make the commands accessible to players
- Fixed invert right-click not working
- Fixed filtered items duplicates after using command /collector reload
* Fixed console error spam while saving data
* Disable creeper auto-kill for faction servers in config.yml
* Fixed console error spam while saving data
* Disable creeper auto-kill for faction servers in config.yml
* New commands
- /collector trust <player> - Let other player access your collectors
- /collector trusted - Check your trusted players in a GUI
* Partial Withdraw
- Partially withdraw by right-clicking the withdraw button
* Automatic Faction Deposit
- Automatically deposit sold items every auto-sell
* Factions Support has been Added
- TNT will be transferred into Faction TNT Bank (can be disabled in config)
- Faction members can access other members Collector
* Right-Click Invert Option in config.yml
Developers can now integrate with ChunkCollector plugin
* Fixed duplication bugs when opening the collector inventory and breaking it at the same time
Delete config.yml and buttons.yml to load the new values and avoid getting console error
+ Upgrade Feature (Expand collector's storage)
+ Fixed duplicate bug when breaking a collector
+ More optimized
Upgrade Feature Info:
- Upgrade collector storage in the collector settings
- Left click outside of the inventory for previous page
- Right click outside of the inventory for next page
+ WildStacker Support
+ Explosion Protection settings in config.yml
+ Collector Limit Permission [chunkcollector.limit.<amount>]
+ EconomyShopGUI Support
- 1.18 - 1.18.2 Support
- Fixed known bugs
- Auto-Farm Feature (Beta)
Auto-Farm Info:
- Only Crops are currently supported
- Observe if there's a TPS drop while enabling auto farm feature
- Fixed filtered mobs bug
- Added breaking bypass for admins
- Custom drops for certain mobs that wont drop if not killed by a player ex. blazed rods from blaze
- optimization improvements
Update logs:
- Fixed console error during data saving
- Fixed selling bug
Whats new?
- Fixed bugs
- Added DecentHolograms support if default hologram system wont work
- Configurable GUI buttons and titles
- more can be seen in the config
Whats new?
- Fixed bugs
- Added DecentHolograms support if default hologram system wont work
- Configurable GUI buttons and titles
- more can be seen in the config
Whats new?
- Fixed bugs
- Added DecentHolograms support if default hologram system wont work
- Configurable GUI buttons and titles
- more can be seen in the config
Lost my previous files so this is the recoded verison. Some features has been removed for now as it causes lag in the server. Will add it back soon if it will become stable for release.
If an error/problem occur, please send it through discord so I can fix it. Sorry for the absence for the past year. just got my new laptop recently.
Update log:
- Fixed compatibility with RoseStacker/UltimateStacker
- Stop auto collecting items when the auto sell cap has been reached
- Fixed problem with EconomyShopGUI
Found a way to make it more optimized than before and also fixed some bugs. Added auto-sell-limit option in the config too.
Found a way to make it more optimized than before and also fix some bugs.
Fixed Decent Holograms console error!
Fixed duping while opening the collector's inventory while it has been destroyed
Fixed some bugs that has been reported
Fixed not selling any items!
Fixed bugs when using HolographicDisplays plugin
New menu.yml values:
Code (Text):
- trusted-players-menu: "&8Trusted Players"
- online-players-menu: "&8Online Players"
Change log:
- Added CMI Hologram support
- Fixed CMI worth issue not selling accurately with items quantity
- Fixed Hologram not disappearing
- Added new Chest link message
- Added option for inverting opening collector storage and menu
- Mobs search menu can no longer be opened when auto-kill is disabled
new messasge
Code (Text):
- linked-message: "&eChest has been linked!"
- already-linked-message: "&dCollector is already linked!"
new config.yml value
Code (Text):
# Option to invert the collector storage and collector menu opening right-click action
invert-click: false
- Fix some bugs specially holograms
- Hologram button can now be edited
Added hologram option in collector menu
You can now untrust OfflinePlayers in a GUI by using the command /chunkcollector untrust
Delete your old menu.yml and load a new one to avoid errors!
new config message:
Code (Text):
trashed: "&aItem has been added to trashed list!
New action to add an item to trashed list:
- Hold the Item to be trashed in your Off-Hand then Shift + Punch the collector.
Some values has been changed so delete the old menu.yml and load a new one.
What's new?
- You can now change the menu titles, displaynames and lores!
Load a fresh config to load the new config values!
What's new?
- You can now change the menu titles, displaynames and lores!
Load a fresh config to load the new config values!
Linked Chest Feature
- Punch the collector while holding a Chest Item to link them. Then Shift + Place the Chest to activate the linking feature.
Added Configuration settings GUI for enabling/disabling some features
new command /chunkcollector settings
Added support for economies
- EconomyShopGUI
- EconomyShopGUI-Premium
- GUIShop
Add this in config.yml
Code (Text):
# Values to choose = shop_gui_plus, essentials, cmi, economy_shop_gui, gui_shop
worth-type: essentials
# If enabled, collector will collect any items on ground it there is no filtered items
collect-any-item-by-default: true
Added support for economies
- EconomyShopGUI
- EconomyShopGUI-Premium
- GUIShop
Add this in config.yml
Code (Text):
# Values to choose = shop_gui_plus, essentials, cmi, economy_shop_gui, gui_shop
worth-type: essentials
# If enabled, collector will collect any items on ground it there is no filtered items
collect-any-item-by-default: true
What's new?
Auto-Trash Feature
add this in config.yml
Code (Text):
auto-trash: true
Fixed mob drops problem when player-is-killer is disabled.
What's new?
Auto-Trash Feature
add this in config.yml
Code (Text):
auto-trash: true
Fixed mob drops problem when player-is-killer is disabled.
What's new?
- Auto Smelt Feature
- Toggle collect items
New Config Value:
Code (Text):
auto-smelt: true
Collector can now be placed in water
Auto disable auto-kill and auto-farm if the collector storage is full
Code (Text):
# Automatically disables auto features when the collector inventory is full
disable-auto-kill-when-full: false
disable-auto-farm-when-full: false
Fixed some bugs!
Auto disable auto-kill and auto-farm when the collectors storage is full!
Fixed some bugs and more optimized
Auto disable auto-kill and auto-farm if the collectors storage is full
What's new?
Code (Text):
# If enabled, Collector holograms can be seen to all players
hologram-global-visibility: false
Fixed Hologram bugs!!
What's new?
- DecentHolograms support
- Only owners and trusted players can see the holograms
Holograms format
Code (Text):
# Hologram format
holograms: # maximum of 4 lines for now. available placeholders (%money%, %storage_items%, %owner%)
- "&d%owner%'s Collector"
- "&eEarnings » &f$%money%"
- "&5Storage Items » &a%storage_items%"
Explosions settings
Code (Text):
# Allow collector to be destroyed by explosions
allow-explosions: false
Code (Text):
cannot-trust: "&cYou cannot trust yourself!"
cannot-untrust: "&cYou cannot untrust yourself!"
What's new?
- Hopper can now take the items in collectors inventory
What's new?
- RoseStacker Support
- UltimateStacker Support
Fixed some bugs and more optimized!
- Trust/Untrust/Trusted Command
- Replaced Beacon into Skulls as the collector
- More Optimized