Please do remember to support the plugin with a nice review!
And also tell me your server ip's that have the plugin running in them
- Added a tower kills / damage tracker that can be seen in each tower menu
- Allowed team mates to upgrade any tower and added an option to prevent them from doing so
- You can now change enemies speed! You can either add 'Speed' configuration to all enemies in enemies.yml manually or just let the file reset by deleting it. The plugin won't break if you don't do so but you won't have an option to change the speed.
Entity: ZOMBIE
Cost: -1
Coins-On-Kill: 2
Exp-On-Kill: 1
Health: 10
Damage: 1
Wave-Unlocked: 1
Speed: Normal
Helmet: 'LEATHER_HELMET : dye:red'
Chestplate: 'LEATHER_CHESTPLATE : dye:red'
Leggings: 'LEATHER_LEGGINGS : dye:red'
Boots: 'LEATHER_BOOTS : dye:red'
Hand: 'AIR'
- You can now display enemies speed in the enemy guide with the tag %speed%
- Listed all possible speeds for towers & enemies in configs. # Speed variables: Normal, Normal-High, Normal-Low, High, Low, Very-High, Very-Low, Highest, Lowest