Intro: MineTrax is a web suite & analytics tool for your minecraft servers. Using it you can improve your server engagement by providing a unified dashboard for players to visit and view their player data, or you can keep everything private and use it only for analytics, choice is yours.
In-Depth Analytics for Server and Player (Intel)
Track player & server data and perform various analysis on them.
SkinChanger - Let players change their skin from website.
Password Changer - Let players change their password from web. (useful for server who use auth plugins like authme, nlogin etc)
BanWarden - A powerful punishment manager which can hook into your favorite punishment plugin.
Command Runner - Let you run or schedule various commands directly from web.
Player Rating System let you calculate the rank of player based on your own custom ranking algorithm.
Let users to register in website and link to ingame player character.
Social Logins with Fb, Twitter etc.
Show server live status.
Show server ingame chat and let your website visiters to chat to ingame players.
Let admin manage server directly from website (with permission based controlled access).
Let admin run Polls in website.
News and Announcements Section.
ShoutBox for those who like shouting. (►__◄)
Post Feed to post random stuff for others to like and comment.
Localization. Translate to any language you want.
Custom Navigation Menu. (Customize navbar as per your liking using drag and drop)