Prefix: '&8[&3BedWars&8]'
MapsInfo: '&6%map1% by &aNoName1&6, %map2% by &aNoName2&6, %map3% by &aNoName3'
NoPermission: '&cYou do not have permission to execute that command!'
GameAlreadyStarted: '&cThe Game has already started.'
LobbyCountdown: '&7The game stage begins in &a%countdown% &7seconds.'
RestartCountdown: '&cThe server stops in &a%countdown% &cseconds.'
MovedInTeam: '&6You have been assigned to the Team &e%team%&6.'
BreakBed: '&6The Bed of Team %team% &6was destroyed by %player%'
BreakOwnBed: '&cYou can not break your own Bed
TeamChestTitle: '&8Team Chest'
Kill: "%player% &6was killed by %killer% &7[&4%health%&c❤&7]"
Death: '%player% &6died.'
InventoryFull: '&cYou do not have enough space in the Inventory!'
NotYourTeamChest: '&cThis is not your Teamchest!'
AlreadyInTeam: '&cYou are already in this Team!'
CountdownStarted: '&6The Countdown has started!'
PlayerJoin: '&7%player% &6has joined the Server &8(&a%oplayers%&8/&a%mplayers%&8)'
PlayerQuit: '&7%player% &6has quitted the Server'
PlayerQuitInGame: '%player% &6has left the BedWars round!'
TeamDestroyed: '&6Team %team% &6was destroyed!'
TeamDestroyedQuit: '&6Team %team% &6excreted because all players have left the round!'
OnlyPremiumJoin: '&cOnly premiums can join full games!'
KickedByPremium: '&cYou were returned to the lobby to make space for a premium or
staff member.'
ServerFull: '&cThe Lobby is full.'
BuildModeOn: '&7You are now in the Build Mode.'
BuildModeOff: '&7You are no longer in the Build Mode.'
GameOver: '&cThe Game is over!'
TeamJoined: '&6You are now in Team %team%'
TeamFull: '&cThe Team is already full.'
WinTeam: '&bTeam %team% &bhas won the round!'
NotEnoughResource: '&cYou do not have enough &eResource&c.'
TeleportedTo: '&6You have teleported to &a%player%&6.'
YouVotedFor: '&6You voted for the Map &a%map%&6.'
AlreadyVoted: '&cYou''ve already voted for a Map.'
YouForced: '&6You have forced the Map &a%map%&6.'
AlreadyForced: '&cYou have already forced a Map.'
RightClickForce: '&7Right click to force this Map'
GoldYes: '&6You voted for &aGold&6.'
GoldNo: '&6You voted against &aGold&6.'
GoldAlreadyVoted: '&cYou''ve already voted for Gold.'
GoldForced: '&6You have forced Gold voting.'
GoldAlreadyForced: '&cYou have already forced the Gold voting.'
GoldRightClickForce: '&7Right click to force'
LobbyServer: Lobby
Line1: ''
Line2: '&c&oMapvoting ended!'
Line3: '&6Map: &a%map%'
Line4: ''
Line1: ''
Line2: '&c&oGoldvoting ended!'
Line3: '&6Yes: &a%yes% &6No: &a%no%'
Line4: ''
BronzeTime: '15'
IronTime: '140'
GoldTime: '600'
Up: You play on &6BedWars %teams%x%pperteam%
Down: Protect your &6Bed
Lobby: '&aLobby'
Full: '&6Full'
InGame: '&cInGame'
Restart: '&4Restart'
LobbyRestart: "%player% &8» &f%message%"
Team: "%player% &8» &f%message%"
Global: "&6[GLOBAL] %player% &8» &f%message%"
Spectator: "&o&4[DEATH] &7%player% &8» &f%message%"
Line1: '&6BedWars'
Line2: '&fRank: &6%rank%'
Line3: '&fDestroyed Beds: &6%dbeds%'
Line4: '&fKills: &6%kills% &fDeaths: &6%deaths%'
Line5: '&fGames: &6%games%'
Line6: '&fPoints: &6%points%'
Line7: '&fK/D: &6%kd%'
Line1: '&6BedWars Statistics of %player%'
Line2: '&fRank: &6%rank%'
Line3: '&fDestroyed Beds: &6%dbeds%'
Line4: '&fKills: &6%kills% &fDeaths: &6%deaths%'
Line5: '&fGames: &6%games%'
Line6: '&fPoints: &6%points%'
Line7: '&fK/D: &6%kd%'
Line1: '%place%. Place'
Line2: '%player%'
Line3: ''
Line4: '&oPoints: %points%'
Blue: '&9Blue'
Red: '&cRed'
Yellow: '&eYellow'
Green: '&aGreen'
Orange: '&6Orange'
Purple: '&5Purple'
White: '&fWhite'
Black: '&0Black'
Blue: '&9'
Red: '&c'
Yellow: '&e'
Green: '&a'
Orange: '&6'
Purple: '&5'
White: '&f'
Black: '&0'
Blue: Blue
Red: Red
Yellow: Yellow
Green: Green
Orange: Orange
Purple: Purple
White: White
Black: Black
Title: '&3BedWars &7- &b%map%'
Bed: "&c❤"
NoBed: "&7❤"