lpcpro.message.* |
Allows use of all below tags in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.* |
Allows use of any color tag in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.black |
Allows use of <black> / &0 in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.dark_blue |
Allows use of <dark_blue> / &1 in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.dark_green |
Allows use of <dark_green> / &2 in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.dark_aqua |
Allows use of <dark_aqua> / &3 in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.dark_red |
Allows use of <dark_red> / &4 in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.dark_purple |
Allows use of <dark_purple> / &5 in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.gold |
Allows use of <gold> / &6 in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.gray |
Allows use of <gray> / &7 in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.dark_gray |
Allows use of <dark_gray> / &8 in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.blue |
Allows use of <blue> / &9 in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.green |
Allows use of <green> / &a in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.aqua |
Allows use of <aqua> / &b in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.red |
Allows use of <red> / &c in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.light_purple |
Allows use of <light_purple> / &d in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.yellow |
Allows use of <yellow> / &e in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.white |
Allows use of <white> / &f in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.color.#rrggbb |
Allows use of the specified <#rrggbb> / &#rrggbb hex color in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.decoration.* |
Allows use of any decoration tag in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.decoration.bold |
Allows use of <bold> / &l in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.decoration.italic |
Allows use of <italic> / &o in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.decoration.underlined |
Allows use of <underlined> / &n in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.decoration.strikethrough |
Allows use of <strikethrough> / &m in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.decoration.obfuscated |
Allows use of <obfuscated> / &k in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.reset |
Allows use of <reset> / &r in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.click |
Allows use of <click:_action_:_value_> in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.hover |
Allows use of <hover:_action_:_value..._> in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.keybind |
Allows use of <key:_key_> in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.translatable |
Allows use of <lang:_key_:_value1_:_value2_...> in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.insertion |
Allows use of <insertion:_text_> in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.rainbow |
Allows use of <rainbow:[!][phase]> in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.pride |
Allows use of <pride[:flag]> in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.gradient |
Allows use of <gradient:[color1]:[color...]:[phase]> in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.transition |
Allows use of <transition:[color1]:[color...]:[phase]> in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.font |
Allows use of <font:key> in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.newline |
Allows use of <newline> in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.selector |
Allows use of <selector:_sel_[:_separator_]> in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.score |
Allows use of <score:_name_:_objective_> in chat messages. |
lpcpro.message.nbt |
Allows use of <nbt:block|entity|storagepath[:_separator_][:interpret]> in chat messages. |