We've updated our **Anti-Bot System** to improve security and prevent unwanted bot activity. This new update includes:
Command Blocking: In addition to preventing players from sending chat messages before moving, commands are now also blocked until players have moved. This adds an extra layer of protection against automated bots.
Custom Warning Messages and Sounds: If a player tries to use chat or execute a command without moving, a configurable warning message will be shown, and a sound will be played if enabled.
Bypass Permissions: Players with the `vynnchat.antibot.bypass` permission can bypass these restrictions and use both chat and commands as usual.
Make sure to enable this new configuration on your server to benefit from the enhanced security features.
Update: Improved Chat Formatting with LuckPerms Integration We've enhanced our chat system by integrating directly with LuckPerms for group and prefix management. The new update:
Direct LuckPerms Support: The chat formatting now uses LuckPerms API to fetch player groups and metadata directly, removing the dependency on Vault.
Prefix and Suffix Customization: Player chat prefixes and suffixes are now dynamically pulled from LuckPerms and applied in chat messages.
Configuration Updates: Adjustments were made to the configuration system to ensure compatibility with LuckPerms and to support the new chat formatting features.
Ensure you have LuckPerms installed and properly configured to take advantage of these improvements.
Placeholders and Emojis in Chat: Customize your messages with placeholders and emojis to enhance your chat experience.
AntiSpam (AntiLinks): Prevent unwanted links in chat to keep conversations clean and safe.
Removed Welcome System: The previous welcome system has been removed to streamline plugin functionality.
New Variables: You can now use [inventory] and [enderchest] in your messages to allow players to view inventories and ender chests directly through clickable links.