Don't use if you want to spare yourself a headache, developer is unavailable, no useful support was being presented in the Discord. Plugin went unusable after a week.
The only support I got was from an arrogant "russian genderfluid femboy" (literally has this in discord bio) who told me people sleep and I should wait. This was a month ago.
So far so good! I don't often rate things but I am going to start! I have this combined with two other chat plugins, one setting changed "group-formatting: true" in the config and prefixes work! Thank you for the excellent plugin and your time! I listed the change for those that think prefixes don't work. They do!
Excellent plugin. Config really easy and its simple to custom anything. Just some features missing or not working :
commands not working
Not support RGB color, so your console is not really clean.
And if you dont want to use the chat format of this plugin, some feature are disables like hover text, ping, emoji,...
Please update, your plugin is amazing
It is an excellent chat plugin, it is very customizable and easy to configure.
In a future update you could add a format to edit the /msg (groups and formats) and the option to deactivate and activate the sending of private player messages like the one from essentialsX (/msgtoggle).
Everything is fine about the plugin, the only thing missing is that when you put %luckperms_prefix% you don't see the color of the range, if that is changed I will change the review and give it 5 stars
I love you! Thanks for the fix, especially for being so quick! In all other respects, the plugin is excellent, except that there is no permission, and any player can use the chat, but this is a trifle)
Thanks for the review! Please join my discord to expand on any missing features this should have.
Version: 1.2.8
For a day I puzzled over why my DiscordSRV plugin refused to broadcast a message from minecraft to discord, but it turns out that this plugin is blocking it! What a pity, I thought I found a chat plugin that will live on the server for a long time, but it seems that I will have to remove it.
Please don't use the review section for issues, please join the discord to issue bugs etc. This comment doesn't tell me anything about whats wrong with the plugin.