Fixed LoneLibs compatibility
- fixed 1.12.2 compatibility
- fixed memory leak
Fixed ServerBooster compatibility
Fixed java.lang.NullPointerException: ItemStack can't be null/Air!
Fixed duplication exploits
Fixed reloading if the jar was renamed
Fixed some bugs on saving backpacks opened via right click in inventory slots
fixed various exploits with hacked clients
ChestSort compatibility, please update it again.
fixed ChestSort compatibility
- added mysql "flags" setting in config.yml to allow you to customize mysql on your needs
- added new command /ebpsave to create pre-filled backpacks. Useful to create kits, rewards and similar:
- new command /ebpdelete to delete a saved backpack
- new option show_in_menu to disable the backpack from showing in /ebp menu
- fixed /ebpreload command without permission check
more precise checking for shulkerboxes + hoppers exploit
- fixed loading of books with commands and links (1.14+)
- custom_model_data attribute in backpacks.yml
Code (YAML):
: true
: '&fExample custom texture'
: false
: 1
: 2
- fixed /ebpget command error if backpack doesn't exist
- fixed some backpack custom sounds loading issues
- fixed whitelist/blacklist rules acting strange sometimes
- fixed reload command
- added reload command
- added support for custom sounds (ItemsAdder)
Fixed plugin loading in some cases
- added 1.16.2 language, please
download here if you want other languages
Already compatible with 1.16.2
fixed bp duplication bug (redstone related)
new features:
- "sbackpack" language.yml attribute now accepts {player} placeholder
- added lore setting for backpacks. Example:
Code (Text):
type: HEAD
texture: 'eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmEzYjM0ODYyYjlhZmI2M2NmOGQ1Nzc5OTY2ZDNmYmE3MGFmODJiMDRlODNmM2VhZjY0NDlhZWJhIn19fQ=='
- "&6[ &ePortable Backpack &6]"
- "&fYou can store any item."
- now item backpacks GUI shows the backpack name instead of "backpack" as title
- now content lore is won't go out of screen
fixed back button in recipes GUI
Moved all libs to LoneLibs, please install it
Moved all libs to LoneLibs, please install it
- fixed 1.12.2 materials
- added 1.16.1 materials
- fixed disable_drop_backpacks
- added disable_open_with_off_hand
fix 1.12.2 compatibility (no need to update)
- fixed missing class in 1.8.9
- fixed bug if you auto pickup an item while backpack is open it disappears into the void
- fix
shift-click in inventory
updated API compatibility
fixed plugin loading if you won't own itemsadder
- added option to force disable auto pickup for a single backpack type.
add this to your backpack properties:
Code (Text):
can_auto_pickup: true
- added option to disable backpack without deleting it from the config.
add this to your backpack properties:
Code (Text):
enabled: false
- added option to auto discover recipes and add them into the recipes book (Spigot 1.12+).
in config.yml:
Code (Text):
add_recipes_in_recipebook_on_join: true
- added option to decide if you want to use actionbar or chat for plugin messages
in config.yml:
Code (Text):
use_actionbar_for_messages: false
- added languages for backpack lore (can be downloaded here: ), change it in config.yml
- fixed glitch that allowed users to "force" wearing backpacks spamclicking the head
updated to work with new IA api
itemsadder compatibility should work now
Fixed compatibility with latest
ItemsAdder versions
better errors messages to understand what's the problem on backpacks loading
- fixed vanishing items when autopickup is enabled and backpacks are full
- fixed cheat with hoppers to add backpacks to shulkers (also fixes a similar bug with enderchest)
- Fixed backpack size not chaning when permission is changed
- Fixed /ebp <user> not saving when opening a player backpack
- Fixed error in console on 1.8.8
- duplication glitch (caused by latency and fast drop of backpack when opened)
- fixed shulkerboxes detection
fix shulkerbox problem with Spigot 1.8.8
- removed option allow_put_bp_inside_bp, it could cause minecraft to send too much nbt data and crash client
- Fixed player kick when the backpack has too much NBT data inside
- added option in config to prevent users to put backpacks in shulkerboxes
Fixed duplication bug on Minecraft 1.8.8.
Sadly Spigot 1.8.8 lacks of a feature I use to save inventory on right click..
- fixed backpacks names loading
- now you can block users from using backpacks. Permission:
added disable_drop_backpacks in config.
it can be useful if you experience kick bug with backpacks.
Fix recipes Minecraft 1.15
fixed autopickup issue with small backpacks (less than 6 rows)
Added last missing 1.14 materials compatibility
- updated to Spigot 1.15
- added 1.15 materials
- added CUT_RED_SANDSTONE_SLAB missing material
- now if you rightclick an enderchest with a backpack in hand it won't open the backpack but the enderchest you're looking at
- added new option in config to block users from putting backpack into enderchest (
- now you can't wear backpack on head which prevents possible bugs
- added glass panes to recipes preview
- added
gui_rows setting in config
fixed error when player is not online
- added command /ebp [player]
- fix more materials 1.14
- fixed materials loading on MC 1.8.8
Added debug option "backpacks-load-log"
- fixed issues on MC 1.8 to 1.12
- fixed item lost when:
- full inventory
- open backpack
- take item from backpack and drop item
- it disappears
fixed duplication bug when player dies or drops item really fast
- fixed /ebpauto not saving on restart
- added ANDESITE_SLAB 1.14 material
- duplication bug
- fixed lose item bug with GUIs (inventory move keypress shortcut)
- fixed rare duplication bug
Bugfixes and backpack search performance improvements
/ebpauto setting will be saved on server restarts
fix issue with backpacks with 0 items and autopickup feature
fixed pickup bug on empty backpacks
fixed blacklist behaviour
- added max_bp_in_inventory in config.yml, you can limit max number of backpacks in inventory
- added blacklist attribute for backpacks, see default config.yml for examples
- fixed bug: if you had a specific item type in inventory and you pickup the same type
it won't be stacked with the item in inventory but would be stacked inside backpack, which was annoying
- added RPGMoney support
- fixed bug: if you pickuped up a backpack it would be put into a backpack in your inventory, which was not right
- added new logic to put items into backpack automatically on pickup, add permission: ebp.user.autopickup and enable pickup_items_into_backpacks in config
- this is an experimenta feature. let me know if you find any duplication bug or problems, thanks!
- now if you rightclick a backpack in your inventory it opens directly, really useful
- added
/ebpauto to enable and disable the autopickup feature
- removed debug messages in console
- added new logic to put items into backpack automatically on pickup, add permission: ebp.user.autopickup and enable pickup_items_into_backpacks in config
- this is an experimenta feature. let me know if you find any duplication bug or problems, thanks!
- now if you rightclick a backpack in your inventory it opens directly, really useful
Added new permissions, useful if you want to remove backpack usage permission to a user but you want him to be able to take back his items but not put new items inside:
Put items in backpack permission:
Take items from backpack permission:
- added itemsadder compatibility
Small fix, no need to update
Fix rightclick on minecraft < 1.12
new option in config.yml
now you can avoid players to put bp inside bp
- fixed left click open backpack
- now backpack doesn't open when you rightclick a container (chest, hopper...)
Fixes on some materials compatibility
Fix duplicated config folder, right one is
- added new backpacks
- added whitelist attribute for backpacks
- items preview in lore
Added support for console /ebpgive
/ebpgive <player> <backpack name>
I coded the plugin from scratch in order to add more features and make it better.
Commands and permissions are changed so you can keep installed the old plugin version named BackPack and allow your users to use old backpacks instead of losing items.
Fix Minecraft 1.8 and PaperSpigot
Fix ghost item in offhand and fix for Minecraft 1.8
Added Minecraft 1.12 support
Changed permissions structure