Commands and Permissions All commands can be used with the labels /deluxeupgrade, /du
/forge/upgrade - deluxeupgrade.use - Open the upgrades menu.
/deluxeupgrade create <name id> - deluxeupgrade.admin - The gui will open where you will define the items you want to be used.
/deluxeupgrade list - deluxeupgrade.admin - It will open a gui with the list of created items, some such as itemsadder may not be displayed correctly, you can delete the upgrade by clicking on the upgrade.
/deluxeupgrade delete <name id> - deluxeupgrade.admin - Delete a specific upgrade, this cannot be undone.
/deluxeupgrade help - deluxeupgrade.admin - Displays a list of available commands.
/deluxeupgrade npc create- deluxeupgrade.admin - Place the npc.
/deluxeupgrade npc delete- deluxeupgrade.admin - Delete the npc.
/deluxeupgrade reload - deluxeupgrade.admin - Reload the config and messages
commands: # If this is activated you will see an item that will say a requirement to do the merger (upgrade).
enable: true
material: BOOKSHELF
name: "&c&lREQUERIMENT"
requirement: money
amount: 1000
slot: 22
- "&7"
- "&cIt costs &a$1.000"
commands: # Command that is executed when doing the upgrade NOT when clicking on this item, the command is executed when doing the upgrade only.
- say %player_name% Your money was consumed!
name: "&6&lFORGE"
sounds: #sound that will make when doing a successful upgrade
volume: 1.0
pitch: 1.0
slots: #It is not recommended to modify the exchange success slots
base_item_slot: 11
upgraded_item_slot: 15
save_button_slot: 22
Code (Text):
messages: # Hex/RGB Support
only_players: "§cOnly players can use this command."
no_permission_admin: "§cYou don't have permission to use this command."
no_permission_use: "§cYou don't have permission to use this command."
upgrade_preview_updated: "&aYour upgrade is ready to merge!"
no_valid_upgrade: "&cThere are no upgrades available for this item."
upgrade_completed: "a90a&lUb708&lP&c607&lGad405&lRce203&lAef102&lDPff00&lE &ecompleted successfully!"
base_item_missing: "&cBase item is missing."
no_upgraded_item: "&cNo upgraded item was placed."
no_valid_upgraded_item: "&cNo valid upgraded item found in the database."
upgrade_ready: "&aUpgrade Ready" # This appears in the green panel when placing a correct item
invalid_item: "&cInvalid Item" # This appears in the red panel when incorrect item
awaiting_item: "&7Awaiting Item"
not_enough_money: "&cYou need at least &a$%amount%&c to upgrade."
not_enough_xp: "&cYou need at least &a%amount% XP&c to upgrade."
not_enough_materials: "&cYou need at least &a%amount% %material%&c to upgrade."
reloaded: "&aAll &eFiles &areloaded successfully!"