- add support for IridiumSkyblock
- make it work on mc 1.21.1 and 1.21.3. Tested on paper.
- some minor fixes
- fix bug where force-vanilla-hook: true did nothing
- update for mc 1.20.5 (both paper and spigot)
- FabledSkyblock: fix debug message spamming a block name whenever an ore is generated
- fix choosing wrong generator for some players (cfbe7bf)
- translate items in generator selection gui (e6de5a3)
- update to latest AnvilGUI version (ebff632)
- fix fabledskyblock hook (5f56adb)
- ItemsAdder + JetsMinions: fix custom blocks not regenerating (4bdfe1f)
(thanks to
@jet315 for helping on this <3)
- add tab completer and version info to main command (56b5ba0)
- add per world permission (5c020dc)
> Adds a permission that disables - and only then - the ore gen when a player is in a certain world when negated.
New permission:
It only applies when negated.
- mc 1.20.2 (956dd14)
- attempt to fix level decreasing when minions mine on a geneartor
- bump spacegui version (bafd00f)
- bump cog version (eb4e0c6)
- update for mc 1.20 (75cd4ea)
- compiled against mc 1.19.3
- fix error when no generators were setup
- add support for mc **1.19**
- fixed hook with ItemsAdder (custom blocks are now working again)
- storing blocks in a tree structure instead of a formatted string inside config.yml
- update for mc 1.18.2
- fixed concurrency (should fix random crashes, I hope)
- fixed generator icon not changeable
- SuperSkyblock2: Unregistering the inbuilt generator of SS2 to avoid issues with AdvancedOreGen, since this generator could not be disabled otherwise.
- made plugin compatible with mc 1.12 again
- fixed generator not working on <= 1.12 when water-lava-fix is enabled
- fixed generators not selectable in /generator on 1.12
- clear generator cache when a generator was just edited
- clear generator cache when selecting a new generator
- treat negative island level as 0
- add config option:
Code (YAML):
# Here you can define a skyblock plugin name that should be tried to load first (useful when having more than one skyblock plugin but wanting to hook into another one)
: FabledSkyBlock
- add config option to enable / disable random blocks for the basalt generator. Default:
Code (YAML):
# Enables custom blocks for the basalt generator
: false
- fix for
water->lava not generating custom blocks
- fix up /oregen reload` command to actually reload config stuff
- add back option for using fast generators
Code (Text):
# Allows to build fast generators (when obsidian is created in vanilla)
allow-fast-generators: false
- update for 1.18
- fix lava floating on stationary water not forming clean stone
- fix block data not set for versions before 1.12.2
- reduced impact on TPS drastically (so runs smoother!)
- update for 1.17
- some fixes for Minions plugin
- fixed hook again for newest SuperiorSkyblock2 beta version
- updated superiorskyblock hook (method of getting world(s) has changed, so using new method instead)
- fix an issue with ItemsAdder for newer versions of the plugin.
- added option in GUI to configure generator icon
- fixed fence generators
- optimized cpu impact on the main thread while mining on a generator
- updated hook for SuperiorSkyblock
- fix for 1.16.2 anvil gui
- fixed error message in metrics
Note : Please
Backup your config.yml before using this!
- improved generator performance by predicting the last generator block type asynchronously (so better TPS)
- improved the way generators are chosen:
AOG will now check both level
and permission by default from left to right, so it chooses the last generator a player has permission and island level for. This is really useful when you want to give higher tier generators to VIPs (so defining a permission, level 0, and putting it as first generator).
- Added support for ItemsAdder
You can now use custom blocks / ores from ItemsAdder within the GUI and generator
- fixed a SuperiorSkyblock2 issue that successively decreased the island level
- several minor fixes
- fixed afk generator
- fixed round off bug (
- fixed an issue that caused water flowing on lava to generate cobblestone instead of obsidian
Note that some generators possibly might break that aren't build properly.
- fixed metrics stack trace
- updated to support mc 1.15
- Added the following config.yml option:
Code (YAML):
# By default, AOG tries to hook with your skyblock plugin, resulting in using the island owner's permission (or level) while gathering the right generator for your player.
# Forcing to use the vanilla hook means that the plugin would use the permission of the nearest player mining on the generator.
: false
- enhanced the
/generator command. Unlocked generators are now switchable, so your players can switch back to old generators, or you can even create a nether generator for switching!
The GUI is fully configurable in the translation.yml file.
- second attempt to fix 1.8.8 issue
- fixed particle issue on versions before 1.13
- fixed decimal locale bug (hopefully this time)
- fixed decimal issue, plugin will now accept both "," and ".".
- updated API access of PlotSquared
- fixed plot squared hook for legacy versions (below 1.13)
- fixed a critical afk generator bug that caused any cobblestone generator to turn into the afk generator in no time, although the player wasn't afk yet.
- improved performance by caching (
- fixed blocks with data values not generating on 1.12.*
- fixed config.yml getting resetted
- fixed java round off bug
- implemented vanilla hook: This new hook allows you to run the plugin
without any skyblock plugin.
- fixed
PlotSquared hook
- fixed
SuperiorSkyblock2 hook
- added FabledSkyBlock hook
- some performance improvements. Keep in mind that the delay will depend on your skyblock plugin, since AOG access api methods for getting the level and island owners.
- fixed fence generator for versions below mc 1.14
- fixed config.yml not updated after altering chances ingame
- fixed Anvil GUI not working on 1.8.8
- fixed cobwebs not addable
- fixed a material
issue when using
- fixed generators not saving properly to the config.yml
- added the command
/oregen reload in order to load changes from the config.yml to the game
- added fence generator: AdvancedOreGen now allows you to generate cobblestone using a fence block instead of lava.
Add this to your config.yml in order to enable this new feature:
fence-generator-enabled: true
- added support for the following skyblock plugin:
- switched from
json to
-> data is no longer stored in the .json file. Instead, it adds all generators to the config.yml just like CustomOreGen does.
The plugin will automatically convert your old AdvancedOreGen data file to the new yml file.
- added warning messages when a generator was not setup properly
- fixed performance issue for 1.8.8 servers
- fixed an
issue with material names not recognized on 1.13+
- added support for another Skyblock plugin
- fixed andesite, diorite and granite issue
- fixed an inventory issue that prevented the plugin from working on spigot 1.8
- updated AnvilGUI
- fixed hook for SuperiorSkyblock2
- fixed an error that caused admins from moving items out of the configuration inventories
- 1.14.* update
- fixed placeholder hook
- fixed hook for SuperiorSkyblock 2 (Please update to newest version)
- Added support for the SuperiorSkyblock2 plugin
- Added placeholders representing the current generator settings of a player:
%oregen_generator.label% (Name of the generator, set in config)
%oregen_generator.level% (Level of the generator)
%oregen_generator.permission% (Permission of the generator)
- Fixed NPE in BentoBox hook
- added the following configuration option:
Code (YAML):
# water <-> lava fix
# the water-lava-fix avoid generating ores when water is poured on lava directly and vice-versa
# set it to false for using custom ore gen's generator behavior
: true
- added the plugin IslandWorld as hook
Dropped support for the SkyBlockEarth plugin.
The SkyblockEarth plugin hook has been removed due to the actual unsureness and dramas created around the SkyblockEarth plugin.
There are rumors around that updates are still distributed on a third party website, but we can't support these versions since the API had become closed source.
For 1.13 users, I highly recommend using
BentoBox. It is a pretty advanced SkyBlock plugin that is highly scalable because of its modularity.
This update includes:
- removed SkyblockEarth hook
- fixed last update's NPE's
- added more opportunities to the /generator command, so it now shows all generators and says which generators are unlocked for a player
- refactored a bunch of code
- fixed broken hook for SkyblockEarth
- added world "END" for SkyblockEarth
- added the ability to see the current ore generator setup for users. (default command is /generator, but is configurable in the config.yml!)
Code (YAML):
# command for players that shows the current generator on an island (permission: advancedoregen.showgenerator)
: generator
- fixed broken SkyBlockEarth hook again (Compatible with SkyblockEarth ver. 29)
* fixed some incompatibilities with the SkyblockEarth hook
* fixed missing fire extinguish sound when a block is generated
* fixed broken hook for newer SkyblockEarth versions
* fixed an exception that was thrown when a block was generated in non-skyblock worlds
Update for SkyblockEarth:
- fixed generators not working beyond a static radius (radius had become dynamically in the last few updates of SkyblockEarth!)
* fixed error at startup for even older versions
* fixed a bug that prevented the plugin from starting when using an older configuration file
This update provides a bunch of new features added to the GUI:
- Ability to change the permission, name, and level through the GUI of any generator
- Adding new generators using the GUI is now possible
- Mode changing is now possible by a simple click
- Some GUI customizations
Moreover, AOC now fully supports Bentobox. Be sure to have installed the Level Addon in order to use AOC's level function!
+ added hook for SkyblockEarth, so this plugin is also now supported!
+ color improvements
- fixed async chunk load error for paper spigot 1.12 + ASkyBlock
AoC update 1.4.8:
- implemented the criteria "island level" for choosing a generator from the list! That means island levels are now supported in AoC (similar to CoG)
- added two new commands:
- /oregen generator set [name] [permission] <island_level>: changes the permission and/or level attribute(s) of a specific generator
- /oregen setmode [permission/islandlevel]: sets the citeria for choosing a generator ragarding the permission of the island leader or the island level. Default: permission
- added the <island_level> argument to this command:
- /oregen generator add [name] [permission] <island_level>: adds a new generator config to the gui
- generally overhauled the command layout
How to swap from permission mode to island level mode without deleting your old configuration:
Assuming you're having a set of pre-configured island generators and you want them being unlocked by levels: Just use the /oregen generator set command in order to change the unlock island level for any generator (default is 0). Also, you need changing the mode to levels: /oregen setmode islandlevel. That's it!
- fixed uSkyblock hook for 1.13.*
- fixed 1.13 support (for uSkyblock)
- GUI update for 1.13.1
- renamed some packages
- mavenized project
* fixed an error that caused the plugin to spam
+ added 1.13 support
* fixed a NPE
* fixed a major bug where the plugin has generated instantaneously cobblestone by placing water above lava. (Instead of obsidian)
* removed ore generation when lava floats on water
AdvancedOreGen 1.4
Improved the graphical user interface:
- ditched the old sign input. Instead, AoG uses anvils from now on
- random error messages from TinyProtocol will no longer be present
- ViaVersion compatible! All reported issues regarding ViaVersion in the past should now be gone.
- more generators!
- there was an error upon typing /oregen edit when having more than nine generators. AdvanceOreGen now supports a total of 54 generators.
- go back feature
- you don't need to close the GUI and to retype the command in order to edit another generator anymore. Just use the door in the right bottom corner!
* fixed a major bug where the plugin has generated instantaneously cobblestone by placing water above lava. (Instead of obsidian)
* fixed Exception at startup
* increased performance
* shrank.jar size
* Fixed NPE in Metrics class
+ added an error message which appears when no generator has been set up.
- Removed two lines out of the ConfigGUI.class file that caused Bitdefender to classify the plugin as a trojan:
Code (Text):
Material oldMat = p.getWorld().getBlockAt(p.getLocation().add(0, 3, 0)).getType();
byte oldData = p.getWorld().getBlockAt(p.getLocation().add(0, 3, 0)).getData();
As you can see, these two lines aren't harming, so the plugin never had a trojan inside it.
* fixed broken class name (Hopely got fixed)
* improved /oregen issue command
+ added command:
/oregen issue
-> creates an issue, uploads server relevant information for debugging purposes
* some major bugfixes
* reduced jar size
+ added AFK-Generators:
you're now able to configure a generator that will be used if a player becomes AFK. Therefore you could set lower spawn rates of rare blocks for players who stay AFK (but still mining).
Added to config.yml:
Code (Text):
# AFK mode: Players who stay more than 20 minutes afk would get the defined afk generator
# remove the '#' to enable this feature.
#afk-generator-name: afk
#afk-after-x-seconds: 1200
+ added support for the skyblock plugin IslandWorld
* fixed a NullPointerException that was caused when no generator was set up
* re-implemented offline owner support
* updated protocol to 1.12.2
* fixed nullpointer at server shutdown
* fixed offline generators
* fixed gui refresh
* added debug message on disable
* fixed wrong generator issue when the owner is offline
* updated TinyProtcol to 1.12
* fixed java.util.NoSuchElementException: BukkitChannelInitializer error
* implements minecraft 1.8.8 NMS code -> changing chances now works.