# ================================================================= # SilkySpawners - Configuration File # ================================================================= # This file controls how the SilkySpawners plugin behaves. # You can customize messages, sounds, particles, default spawner # settings, GUI texts, and more. # # After making changes, use "/silkyspawner reload" to apply them. # =================================================================
# 2) MESSAGES noPermissionMessage: "&cYou don't have the required enchantments to mine a spawner." spawnerMinedMessage: "&aYou have successfully mined a %mob% spawner!"
# 7) GUI SETTINGS gui:
enabled: true
distance: 3
main: "&6Spawner Settings" mobMenu: "&6Select Mob - Page {page}/{total}" speedMenu: "&6Set Speed" difficultyMenu: "&6Set Difficulty" items:
name: "&aChange Mob" lore: "&7Click to change the spawner's mob type" speedSelector:
name: "&aSet Spawn Speed" lore: "&7Click to adjust the spawner's spawn speed" difficultySelector:
name: "&aSet Difficulty" lore: "&7Under development..." mobEggLoreAllowed: "&aPermission: You have it" mobEggLoreDenied: "&cPermission: You do not have it" navigation:
name: "&aNext Page" lore: "&7Click to view the next page" previousPage:
name: "&aPrevious Page" lore: "&7Click to view the previous page" back:
name: "&aBack" lore: "&7Click to return to the main menu" sounds:
difficultyUnderDev: ENTITY_VILLAGER_NO
difficultyNotImplemented: "&cDifficulty settings are under development. Sorry!"
# 8) OTHER SETTINGS minDistance: 3
Permission • silkyspawner.* – Description: Grants every permission within SilkySpawners. – Default: op – Caution: By default, only operators have this permission. Server owners should consider carefully which groups receive full access.
• silkyspawner.reload – Description: Allows reloading the plugin configuration via the /silkyspawner reload command. – Default: op
• silkyspawner.lastmined – Description: Allows viewing the information about the last mined spawner via /silkyspawner lastmined. – Default: op
• silkyspawner.stats – Description: Allows viewing plugin statistics (spawners mined, placed, and active) with /silkyspawner stats. – Default: op
• silkyspawner.use – Description: Allows using the main /silkyspawner command. – Default: true
• silkyspawner.gui – Description: Grants permission to open the spawner GUI via shift+click on a spawner. – Default: false – Caution: Without this permission, non-OP players won’t be able to open the GUI for configuring spawner settings.
• spawner.use – Description: Allows using the /spawner command for locking, unlocking, and setting spawner settings via the GUI. – Default: true
• spawner.lock – Description: Allows a player to lock a spawner they own, preventing others (and even the owner, unless unlocked) from modifying it. – Default: op
• spawner.unlock – Description: Allows a player to unlock a spawner they own so that it can be modified or mined. – Default: op
• spawner.oplock – Description: Allows an administrator to lock any spawner (regardless of ownership) and, optionally, reassign its ownership. – Default: op
• spawner.opunlock – Description: Allows an administrator to unlock any spawner (regardless of ownership) and, optionally, reassign its ownership. – Default: op
• silkyspawner.mob.* – Description: Controls permission for changing the spawner’s mob type. For example, "silkyspawner.mob.zombie" is required to change a spawner to a Zombie. – Default: op – Caution: If a player lacks the specific permission (or the global admin permission via SilkySpawner.Admin), the GUI will indicate that permission is missing and will prevent the change.
• silkyspawner.speed.* – Description: Controls permission for setting the spawner’s spawn speed. For example, "silkyspawner.speed.5" is required to set the speed to 5. – Default: op – Caution: Make sure that non-admin users receive only the speed values you wish to allow.
• SilkySpawner.Admin – Description: Grants all administrative functions within the plugin, including bypassing lock restrictions and overriding GUI permission checks. – Default: op – Caution: This permission should be given only to trusted administrators.