This is the second time you have posted a false review to my plugins, and from what it seems like, your quite fond of making false reviews on other plugins and small developers aswell. Your suggestion wasn't ignored, in fact I told you why I couldn't add it to SlashHub. I'll admit, I didn't know you could do titles over bungee, that's my bad, and I'm sorry if you felt like you were being ignored or humbled in any way. However, at this point it seems like you are just blatantly attacking me and other developers for stuff you already know is false. I treated you with upmost professionalism, and you returned by being rude and toxic. once again, you spamming small developers plugins with false 1 star reviews is very harmful. consider how its affecting developers. Most of the developers (including me) that you are spamming don't even make money off of this and are purely doing it with their own self motivation. Stop your trolling. (oh and btw heres the transcript from your ticket to prove my point ;D )