Warning for who want to use this plugin for 1.12.2 and below
- Plugin only support material like COAL_ORE, COAL_BLOCK,...
- Plugin doesn't support material like STAINED_GLASS:1, STAINED_GLASS:2, STAINED_GLASS:3,...
- Allows you to organize a contest to see who can mine the most points
- Custom time to automatically start the contest
- Custom time the contest takes place
- Custom number of points for blocks
- Custom number of points for players to receive rewards
- Custom the number of people shown on the top
- Customize the minimum number of people for the contest to start automatically
- Give rewards to players by command
- Translate message into other languages
Code (Text):
For the 1st top: %miningcontest_top_1%
For the 2nd top: %miningcontest_top_2%
For the 3rd top: %miningcontest_top_3%
- /mc start - Start the contest
- /mc end - End of the contest
- /mc reload - Reload the file
- /mc add <player> <points> - Add points to player when contest starte
- /mc remove <player> <points> - Remove points from player when contest started
- /mc reset <player> - Reset all points from player
What is ?
If you execute command like this way:
/mc add Danh 1000 s -> Command will execute in silent and do not give any message
/mc add Danh 1000 -> Command will execute in public and give message to admin
- /mc - View contest information
- /mc top - See the top of the contest