Velocity A | FREE
Velocity B | FREE
Velocity C | FREE
Velocity D | PREMIUM
Velocity E | PREMIUM
Criticals B (Falsing randomly when jumping on blocks)
HitBox/Reach (Fixed S-tap falses)
Killaura A (Falsing when player is hit on arm or leg)
Killaura B (Falsing on false moving entities or kill hits)
Killaura PlayerNPC (Made more randomized and optimized)
Client retests (Exhibition, Flux, Wurst, Sigma and ZeroDay)
Client tests (Icarus, Kilo, Novoline, GOD, Luna, Polar and Raven)
Critical Minis (Sigma5) is broken and does not actually bypass it.
Fixed "Y" instead of "Z" in variables.
KillAura PlayerNPC is now fully randomized and customizable. (~85-90% complete)
Renamed "Bruh" function to "disabler"
Temporary variables are now removed/cleared every 2 minutes.
Update for GUI is now available! (To enable/disable velocity checks)
Bubble Addons:
Bubble GUI (Build 4)