Hi, nice life story.
Codes are separated only to make it easier for other developers to copy from it and improve it. If you find false positives, I always ask people to report them to me. I spend hours testing for false positives, and my methods are going to be different than yours.
Also, next time you make a post, please show some screenshots to prove your case. 35% tick usage with 1 person on is just impossible (maybe I am wrong, if I am, then please prove me wrong).
This entire review seems to be talking about your life story. Trust me, dude, I don't care. BetterBubble only receives support these days because of the very few people who use it and want to code their own anti-cheat.
Finally, please define "pretty good hardware" for me. I have tested this anticheat on:
Core i5 8250u, between 1GB and 4GB of RAM (with 2-3 instances of Minecraft and other applications in the background)
Core i5 3740, 8GB of RAM (SMP server with multiple active people)
Ryzen 5 3600, 2GB of RAM (I am not fully sure about memory)
Ryzen 7 4800H, 512MB of RAM to 2GB of RAM (mostly tested on 1GB, and I still have 1GB MAX allocated on that server, running multiple instances of Minecraft in the background for testing - similar to i5 8250u tests)
Aerora.net, 8GB of RAM (the server is now on 4GB of RAM, with lower priority specs)
Minehut, 1GB of RAM (with 2GB of RAM premium as well, but very little tests on 2GB)
In all these servers, even with multiple people on, the server maintained 19.9+ TPS. In most cases, it stayed at 20 or 20*. The recent Aerora server had around 2 to 4 threads allocated to it and 8GB of RAM, and the server stayed at 20 TPS during testing and extreme cases.
Yeah, both this code and Skript aren't that optimized, but if you want a Skript anticheat that still receives an update, BetterBubble is probably one of your few options (any other anticheat that's up today probably has a ton of code from BetterBubble, because like I mentioned above, codes are separated for easier copy paste).
NOTE: I didn't mean to sound disrespectful as you are probably smart, but "meme video usage", seriously? Have you forgotten that there are still hosts that limit plugins or don't even allow custom plugins?