- Support for 1.21.1
- Practice Broadcast
- Code Overhaul
- Updated permissions, links in with LuckPerms
- Added auto broadcast toggling
- Added auto broadcast CMD
- Updated some util methods
- Added the ability to toggle auto broadcast on a per player basis
- Added support for 1.19
- Added <sound> which plays and sound when broadcast
/broadcast chat This is a broadcast<sound>
Fixed a bug where colours didn't format in the logger
- Added Random Broadcast (Broadcasts to a random person)
- Added hover events
- Added click events
- Added support for 1.19
- Fixed an issue with broadcast prefix
- Updated the way in which messages are sent
Hover events can be added with <hover>
Click events can be added with <command> and <url>
- Adds support for 1.18
- Adds subtitle's when broadcasting titles
- Adds support for 1.18 blocks and items
- Fixed null input bug for all broadcast commands
- Fixed invalid GUI name bug
You can now add a subtitle by doing
/broadcast title Hello<sub>Hi
This would broadcast Hello as the main title and hi as the subtitle
- Added 1.17 Blocks To GUI
- Added Support To Chat
- Fixed Permissions
- Added Permission Messages
- Added auto broadcasting.
- Added BossBar to all broadcasting commands
- Added a help menu to /bp
- Added %broadcastplus_prefix% placeholder to display the BroadcastPrefix
- Fixed Several message bugs
- Fixed placeholder bugs.
- Added trial boss bar broadcast. Only for /broadcast this update
- Added an Update Checker
- Added emoji support
- Added \n support back. It was removed in a earlier update.
- Some minor bug fixes and code optimisations.
- Added ability to broadcast a GUI
- Added Gui.yml to configure GUI's
- Added message presents which can be configured in the config
- Updated lang.yml saving methods and reload methods.
- Minor bug fixes
- Optimization of code
- Added some alias of commands
- Began adding code for Broadcasting a GUI
- Fixed Several Bugs
Added GroupBroadcast which requires LuckPerms
Added timing to the action bar broadcast.
Added a lang.yml file.
Updated the config.yml file.
Changed the localbroadcast and added a range argument.
Added Reload And Made Configuration Easier.
- Added /bp
- /bp setprefix <prefix>
- /bp settitlefadeout <time>
- /bp settitlefadein <time>
- /bp settittledisplaytime <time>
- /bp version
- /bp reload
Reworked the plugin
- Changed the broadcast command.
/broadcast <method> <message>
Method = Chat, bar, title
- Changed the broadcastworld command
/broadcastworld <method> <world> <message>
Method = Chat, bar, title
- Added /localbroadcast <method> <message>
The range can be changed in the config. The range will be set by the command in a future update. Added timings for broadcasting to a title in config.
- Added Support for \n (Which will create a new line)
- Fixed Critical bugs which made the plugin not work when PlaceholderAPI was not installed.
- Added Hex Colors Support In Version 1.16+
- Added PlaceholderAPI support when doing /broadcast, /broadcastworld, /broadcastbar.
- Added /broadcastbar. This allows to broadcast your message to the action bar.
- Added /broadcastworld. This allows you to only broadcast to a certain world.
- Reworked how the message is sent to players.
Let me know if there are any bugs. Discord: ScalerGames#1118
/bp command
/bp reload command
Added Permission
Added permission to be able to broadcast.
Fixed Broadcasting from console