- ✅ Added support for Minecraft 1.21.4
- ✅ Added compatibility with the latest version
- ✅ Updated XSeries dependencies
- ✅ Added F-button lock to prevent item movement
✅ Fixed possible error when generating the heads
- ✅ Updated XSeries dependencies
✅ We replace Bukkit.getScheduler().* , Bukkit.getServer().getScheduler().* and BukkitRunnable with Universal Scheduler
- ✅ Correction of all known errors
- ✅ The plugin was recreated from scratch.
✅ Now the plugin supports 1.8.8 to 1.19
✅ PaperMC is now supported.
✅ Added a teleporter bow!
❌ It is recommended to delete the old plugin folder.
- [✔️] NEW! The code was modified for better optimization.
- [✔️] NEW! Added 1.16.4 support
[✔️] NEW! Now you can enabled or disabled when a player changes world to delete the item.
[✖️] DELETED! You must delete your plugin folder.
- [✔️] ADDED! Now the plugin will notify when there is an update.
- [✔️] ADDED! Now you can create items in the inventory.
- [✔️] ADDED! New items.yml file
Due to the bad reputation that our old resource (Lobby System) we decided to create a new resource called (Lobby Head Item) in order to recreate our old resource with this new one, the downloads of the old resource will no longer be available.
Update LobbySystem 6.3.9 Break...
- [✔️] NONE! I have thought about doing the whole plugin from scratch without errors.
This update does not include anything.
- [✖️] NONE! If you have used my plugin, I suggest that you delete all archives and that the latest version generates a new one!
Update LobbySystem 6.2.9
- [✔️] Mentions recoded from scratch!
- [✖️] You must delete your Mentions.yml file
Update LobbySystem 6.1.9
- [✔️] Now supports PlaceholderAPI
Update LobbySystem 6.0.7
- [✔️] Now the code is cleaner.
- [✔️] Now the file 'Settings.yml' changed completely.
- [✖️] WARNING! you should delete the files 'Settings.yml', 'config.yml' as they were completely changed.
Update LobbySystem 5.9.7
- [✔️] Small bug with the player's head in version 1.14x
- [✖️] You must delete the file 'PlayerSettings.yml'
Update LobbySystem 5.8.7
- [✔️] NEW! Now all sounds are compatible!
- [✔️] NEW! New methods for ranges when they enter the server.
- [✔️] NEW! New method for server motd.
- [✔️] NEW! Methods of codes completely changed.
- [✔️] NEW! New configuration recoded from scratch.
- [✔️] NEW! New lore in the player's head.
- [✖️] WARNING! If you are a user who has already used the plug-in in the coming months you need to delete your folder completely delete everything!
Update LobbySystem 5.7.7
- [✔️] Now when players fall to the void they are teleported when you use the command "/sm stuck"
- [✔️] New strings added in the Settings.yml file
Update LobbySystem 5.6.7
- [✔️] Fixed an error in version 1.14 when they click on the inventory.
- [✔️] Bugs fixed
Update LobbySystem 5.6
- [✔️] New expressions!
- [✔️] New permits!
Update LobbySystem 5.5
- [✔️] New method for the teleporter arch.
Update LobbySystem 5.4
- [✔️] New command "/mention on | off" to deactivate and activate the player's mention.
- [✔️] New string to edit in "Mentions.yml"
- [✖️] You have to delete the file "Mentions.yml"
Update LobbySystem 5.3
- [✔️] Bug fixed in the gui in version 1.14
- [✔️] New method for item in the gui
Update LobbySystem 5.1
- [✔️] Make the decision to change the name of the resource to "LobbySystem" for unknown reasons.
- [✔️] Also all the permissions and commands were changed (see the description of the plugin to see the new commands and permissions)
Update Join Message Extended 5.1
- [✔️] Now you can modify the permissions of the settings of the
- [✔️] New! now there are jump pads.
- [✔️] Added an item that gives the player's skin.
- [✔️] A new section was added to disable the item by world (it is recommended to delete "PlayerSettings.yml")
- [✖️] You will have to delete the file "PlayerSettings"
Update Join Message Extended 5.0
- [✔️] Error with mentions
- [✔️] New teleporter arch.
- [✔️] Now you can add a MOTD for your custom server.
- [✖️] Sometimes it deletes the file "config.yml"
- [✖️] Sometimes it deletes the file "PlayerSettings.yml"
Update JoinMessage Entended 4.9
- [✔️] Small bug in the mentions.
Update JoinMessage Entended 4.8
- [✔️] A bug is fixed by mentioning the players.
- [✔️] The file "Stuck.yml" was replaced with "Locations.yml"
- [✔️] The bug that spawn is not set is fixed
- [✖️] You must delete the file "Settings.yml" to have the new updates.
- [✖️] You must delete the file "Stuck.yml" is no longer necessary
Update JoinMessage Entended 4.7
- [✔️] New file "Mentions.yml"
- [✔️] Added mention, includes
@Player, Actionbar, Title.
Update JoinMessage Entended 4.6
- [✔️] If there is an error please report it to my discord server and open a ticket in "-open-a-ticket"
Update JoinMessage Entended 4.5
- [✖️] The dependence on "Protocollib" was eliminated.
Update JoinMessage Entended 4.4
- [✔️] Add 1.14 support
Update JoinMessage Entended 4.3
- [✔️] Added fireworks when the commands are executed.
- [✔️] Now there is auto tp
- [✔️] New command "/jm stuck" (set the auto tp)
- [✔️] New file "Stuck.yml"
- [✔️] New file "Firework.yml"
Update JoinMessage 4.2
- [✔️] New code!
Update JoinMessage 4.0
- [✔️] Fixed a small annoying code that does spam on the console.
Update JoinMessage-Extended 2.9
- [✔️] Many changes in the code
Update JoinMessage-Extended 2.8
- [✔️] New sounds added to all ranges.
- [✔️] Particles are added when the server owner enters.
- [✖️] You have to delete the file "Groups.yml" to have the new updates.
- [✔️] Added a system for when the player left the server automatically manages to delete its inventory (if you are in a survival server deactivates the option in Settings.yml)
- [✔️] Now you can change the items when the "/jm gui" command is executed.
- [✔️] New design when the player does not have permissions.
- [✔️] Now you can modify the title when you restart all the files.
- [✔️] New design when there is a plugin update.
- [✖️] You will have to delete the Settings.yml file to see the new functions.
- [✖️] you should have a backup of the config.yml since new code lines were added in the config, you also need to delete the "config.yml"
Update JoinMessage 3.6
- [✔️] corrects errors in the gui when sending messages
- [✔️] corrects errors when executing /jm mg command
Update JoinMessage 3.5
- [✔️] The file config.yml was changed
- [✔️] Added a title and subtitle in the Emojis.yml configuration
- [✔️] A small error is corrected
- [✔️] I added a subcommand /ex for the emojis list.
- [✖️] You will have to delete the file config.yml
- [✖️] You will have to delete the file Emojis.yml
- [✖️] From now on, the .zip and instructions are not included if the plugin does not work in higher versions, it only changes the sounds by higher versions, wing 1.8.8 here: https://pastebin.com/W8ZnDx3V
Update JoinMessage 3.4
- [✔️] Added an Emojis.yml file
- [✔️] Now when you click the emoji chat, it automatically goes into chat.
- [✔️] New command /emojis uses the permission: JoinMessage.Player # to send the message.
- [✖️] Emoji messages were removed, and the message reloading the settings.
- [✔️] It adds, an event when entering the player will have automatic flight.
- [✔️] They separated configuration what were in config.yml
- [✔️] Added a Groups.yml file
- [✔️] Added a Settings.yml file
- [✔️] Small mistakes fixed.
- [✖️] The plugin does not work correctly if you do not completely delete the "JoinMessage" folder
Update JoinMessage 3.2
- [✔️] Small mistakes were corrected.
- [✔️] Two new commands were added to preview how the welcome message is like the title.
- [✔️] Use the command /jm mg | tl to see how the texts are staying.
- [✔️] At the moment you use the command /jm mg | tl the configuration is reloaded so that you do not put more /jm reload
Update JoinMessage 3.0
- [✔️] A title is added when the player executes the commands that are in the list.
- [✔️] A title is added when the player executes the plugin command.
- [✔️] The config.yml file must be deleted.
- [✖️] The update title was removed.
- [✖️] The support message was deleted in the configuration.
¡Error link!
Update JoinMessage 2.9
- [✔️] everything has been coded from scratch.
- [✔️] a gui was added that helps the player to select his preferences.
- [✔️] Now at the moment that the player leaves the server, the verlocity will be removed, and upon entering, a "pelfect" request will automatically be given.
- [✔️] A new .yml file is added so you can configure the player's GUI by default.
- [✔️] It is very important that you read the file Read Important!.txt to avoid confusion
- [✔️] on this occasion it is not necessary to delete the file config.yml since they were only added (small things)
- [✔️] the item of the gui was fixed, by clicking it does not send the message.
Update JoinMessage 2.8
- [✔️] everything has been coded from scratch.
- [✔️] a gui was added that helps the player to select his preferences.
- [✔️] Now at the moment that the player leaves the server, the verlocity will be removed, and upon entering, a "pelfect" request will automatically be given.
- [✔️] A new .yml file is added so you can configure the player's GUI by default.
- [✔️] It is very important that you read the file Read Important!.txt to avoid confusion
- [✔️] on this occasion it is not necessary to delete the file config.yml since they were only added (small things)
- [✔️] the item of the gui was fixed, by clicking it does not send the message.
Update JoinMessage 2.7
- [✔️] It completely changed the settings necessary to delete the folder.
- [✔️] Corrected the error of the update message.
- [✔️] The error was corrected when a player does not have permission to enter smells the sound of the owner.
- [✖️] The message was removed when the player appeared.
- [✖️] the line where it said "ColorDefault" was removed since it was not necessary.
Delete the "JoinMessage" folder since new things were added.
Update JoinMessage 2.6
- [✔️] Now the menu is easier.
- [✔️] Now supports all minecraft versions.
- [✖️] You have to forcefully delete the "JoinMessage" folder.
- [✔️] The entire plugin was decoded.
- [✔️] Now a new event has been added where the players will not be able to put blocks in the main lobby, it can be activated and deactivated in the configuration.
- [✔️] You can activate and deactivate the rain.
Delete the "JoinMessage" folder since new things were added.
Update JoinMessage 2.5
- [✔️] They added Emojis! use the /jm emojis command (to see the available list of emojis)
- [✔️] Added a new item in the gui to see the list of emojis.
- [✔️] the title and actionbar code was completely changed.
- [✔️] Now when downloading the plugin from this web page will come a file (Read Important! .Txt) it is very important to read it before leaving a bad revision.
- [✔️] at the moment of death he sends a message.
- [✖️️] had to eliminate actionbar, because it is not compatible with the other versions of minecraft.
Delete the "JoinMessage" folder since new things were added.
Update JoinMessage 2.3
- [✔️] A title is added when the plugin is updated.
Delete the "JoinMessage" folder since new things were added.
Update JoinMessage 2.2
- [✔️] The permissions are now sorted in the configuration.
- [✔️] Corrected the error of no variables in the gui.
- [✔️] The sounds were changed.
- [✔️] Gui Sound!
Delete the "JoinMessage" folder since new things were added.
- NEW! Now an actionbar (configurable) is added
- NEW! Command to open gui menu "/jm gui"
- Improved! Now a customizable gui has been added!
Delete the "JoinMessage" folder since new things were added.
- Fix the error when messages are duplicated!
- The permission of "JoinMessage.NoPlugins" was changed to "JoinMessage.bypass"
- WARN!, The plugin has a dependency if it does not work! : https://bit.ly/1QMmyyW
- NEW! there is a new anti tab /[tab]
- Now you can add commands in the blacklist
- More sounds were added for almost the entire configuration
Delete the "JoinMessage" folder since new things were added.
- NEW! permission to see the plugin list among others ( JoinMessage.NoPlugins ) (1.8)
- NEW! now there are new lock commands now there is protection with the command "/pl", "/ plugin" among others
- Sound when you do not have permission to execute the "/pl" command
Delete the "JoinMessage" folder since new things were added.
- NEW! , When entering a player you hear a mysterious sound!
- JoinMessage.BypassFull ( Bypass the server limit ) (1.6)
- New- join effect player!
- the messages were removed when entering and leaving
- an alias was added "/jm <args>"
Delete the "JoinMessage" folder since new things were added.
- Now you can activate and deactivate the messages when entering ✅
- Now you can activate and deactivate the title ✅
- Now you can activate and deactivate the updates ✅
It is recommended to delete the folder "JoinMessage" for reasons that changed everything and added new messages and updates, soon open support for version 1.9-1.3
- The command was changed "join" to "joinmessage"
- Added a new command "/joinmessage help" (shows the list of commands)
- Added a support command "/joinmessage support" (support plugin)
- A new variable was added "!icon-4 = ⭐"
- The permission of "JoinMessage.Reload" to "JoinMessage.Admin"
- Compatible with (Minecraft 1.7-1.13)
- A title (configurable) is added, as well as a sub-title (configurable)
- Now you receive messages when the plugin is updated!
- He removed the sounds, (because there is incompatibility with minecraft 1.10 - 1.13)
- the sound was fixed when entering the server.
- the message was changed when you put the /join command
- the appearance of the reload message was changed!