This is a BETA build to test SQL fix for some servers
Once we have confirmation there's no issues, we will push a release candidate as the final slew of fixes for 1.16.x
Fixed a number of issues plaguing the way Heroes handled items, their damage and modifiers. Below are the list of changes
Added an alternative for a deprecated method when configuring enchantments. Now you can use their proper names to configure them (which is the non-deprecated method). For example, instead of DAMAGE_ALL, SHARPNESS can be used.
Item's with damage attribute modifiers will override any damage configured in class or global damages. If no class or global damage is set and item has no attribute modifiers, then will use default vanilla value.
An item's damage (including modifiers) will be calculated before applying class scaling (which includes adding enchant damage, strength damage and PvP/PvE scaling.)
Any item that does not have any attribute modifiers and no specified class/global/vanilla damage then it will not be affected by class scaling and will do a damage of 1.
Additionally, attribute modifiers with different operations will now work correctly. Before if an item had both mainhand and offhand slotted modifiers, it would just add both. Now it will consider if the items are being used in the correct slot and perform the necessary calculations; (additive, percentile or multiplicative).
Overall priorities of item damage is as follows; Item Attribute Modifier Damage > Class Damage > Global Damage > Vanilla Damage