⚔️ModernCombat⚔️ [Knockback, Hit Detection, Hit Boxes, Block Hitting, Bow Boosting and much more!] icon

⚔️ModernCombat⚔️ [Knockback, Hit Detection, Hit Boxes, Block Hitting, Bow Boosting and much more!] -----

Return the old school kb, bow boosting, hit detection or make your own! Custom Combat!

Modern Knockback is a plugin that allows server owners to modify the knockback to anything they want. This includes the return of bow boosting and the 1.8 hitbox modification, allowing PvP to be as fluent as it was on 1.8.8. Complete control of knockback gives players and server owners a tailored PvP experience!

  • Modern Knockback works only on modern version of Spigot/Paper. Tested versions are 1.18+, but it may work on 1.9 as well.​
  • Modern Knockback requires the installation of ProtocolLib. Please select the version of ProtocolLib your server software needs. We recommend installing latest dev build.​
  • I'd also advise you to install WorldGuard although it's not necessary.​


Modern Knockback is a revolutionary plugin with a goal in mind. To allow complete control of knockback and allow servers owners to make their pvp look exactly like it was in 1.8. Modern Knockback is probably the best and most complete knockback customization plugin ever made for SpigotMC since it includes features like bow boosting, hitbox modification and async hit detection. Also cps limiter and reach limiter. This is the best plugin to create a knockbacks for PvP players. Modern Knockback will be compatible with all plugins on your server. You may edit the plugin to your liking. Also, all future updates are included in the product and issues will be fixed as soon as possible. If you have encountered an issue, please don't leave a negative review, but first either join our discord support server or PM me on SpigotMC or just simply leave your issue under resource discussion!

  • Complete Control of Knockback Settings​
  • Return of Bow Boosting (Configurable)​
  • Hitbox Modification using packets (Modify hitbox size)​
  • Server Side Hit Detection​
  • Lag Compensation Hit Detection system (Lower and higher ping have no advantage)​
  • Accurate CPS limiter (for servers using old pvp)​
  • Reach limiter (Can function as an anticheat)​
  • Completely customizable.​
  • WorldGuard support. Disable custom pvp, bow boosting or hitbox modification in any region!​
  • Old Combat Modification (Attack Frequency and Hit Delay)​
  • Aim Assist for Mobile Bedrock Players (Requires floodgate installed on spigot server)​
  • Custom Splash Potion Behavior.​
  • And many new features coming soon! Plugin is in beta!​

ModernKnockback Command - mk.command.mk
Knockback Command - mk.command.knockback
Map setup video:

You can request your server to be added here!
play.kyodo.network | Kyodo Network
seiky.net | Seiky Network


ServerSidePlayerHitEvent custom event.
More things will be added to the API!

  • Redistribution of this plugin to other individuals, networks, or websites is strictly prohibited.
  • This plugin is licensed for use exclusively on your server or network.
  • Please refrain from leaving unconstructive reviews, such as complaints about missing features or updates not meeting your requests. The plugin's features are clearly listed on the main page, so you are fully informed before purchasing.
  • Refunds are not available.
  • While I strive to provide updates, they will be released as my schedule permits. Please understand that I have other commitments outside of this project.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 20
First Release: Jun 12, 2024
Last Update: Mar 7, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings