Replaced projectile trails with player trails. Players can now buy active trails that follow them around. They are purchased from the profile inventory just like celebrations and can be customized in trails.yml
If you encounter issues in this update, please revert to the older version and report the issue
Added a safety check in loading the minigames. If a single minigame fails to load due to poor configuration, the rest will continue to load just fine and will notify the console with an error message
Fixed a bug where spectators could damage players in Sumo, One In The Chamber and Survival Games if Use-Gamemode-3-For-Spectators was set to false in config.yml
Added XMaterial which adds support for all minecraft items up to 1.20. Due to this, lots of internal code changes had to be made. The plugin has been tested, but some issues may have been undetected. If you face any issue, please go back to the previous version and report the issue to me.
Fixed a testing issue where if FloorShuffle is played by 1 player only, the game would break down upon player loss.
Fixed a bug where in Volcano, sometimes the block jump from normal to orange directly
Fixed a bug where the white color in floor shuffle would not hurt players even if they are standing on wool other than white.
You should delete the recipies list in crafting master config.
You can now change the displayed name of minigames! Each minigame config file now has a section called Display-Name which alters the name in the scoreboard and chat messages (Non-administrative locations)
Added an option to disable Instant Respawn in config.yml
Changed the code of instant respawn to support Geyser more appropriately as well.
Improved SurvivalGames, TNTRun, Sumo, FloorShuffle, HotPotato, OneInTheChamber, Volcano, Splegg, and Spleef support for testing mode (1 player in arena)
Players can now longer back in Mine Field after winning. They will be teleported back to the center of the winning region if they try to leave the winning region
Huge internal change! If you find issues, please revert back to the previous version and report the issues! The plugin now internally handles players using UUID! This allows players to change names while in the game without causing errors (using nick plugins)!
Removed the coins command and replaced it with a StatsModify command that allows you to modify the value of any stat! (Permission: partygames.statsmodify
You need to update the reward command listed in achievements.yml, otherwise achievements will not reward players with coins correctly! Or you can simply delete the achievements file and let it regenerate
Players can no longer drop in Pig Fishing (Can be enabled in config.yml)
Prestige item will now show in arena hotbar items (Can be disabled in config.yml) when the player is able to prestige. This is to fix the issue of bungee mode players being unable to prestige.
Players joining an arena directly using /pg join <Arena> will now be sent out directly when leaving or the arena ends without being moved to the lobby at any point in time.
Improved the efficiency of the leave command
Updated the details shown in the list command
Arenas are now clickable in the list command for direct join
Added the command '/pg party' which will allow accessing some party features without using the GUI. Currently only joining a party is supported with this command
Added clickable text message to accept party invitations
Confirmed 1.18 overall functionality of the plugin
Added CrackShot support to items!
Added the permission 'partygames.forcestart' which allows starting an arena even with 1 player for testing purposes. The permission does nothing if the permission 'partygames.start' corresponding to the start command is not given first.
Spleef and Splegg will now only assign random first and second winners if there was a 3rd winner already determined. If 3 players or more last till the end of the match, No winners will be selected at all.
You can now specify commands to run when Minigames start / finish
Added a new minigame, Pig Fishing! If you don't want to manually set it up, it has been included in the free setup! You have to redownload the setup though
Fixed a bug where a a big part of the plugin broke for version 1.7.9
Added a new minigame! Minecart racing! If you don't want to manually set it up, it has been included in the free setup! You have to redownload the setup though
This update has been only tested on 1.11.2. New minigame may not work in other versions, and if so, remove it from your arena and inform me through email.
Fixed a bug where projectiles passed through players because player collision was disabled in new versions for all minigames. Collision is enabled in One In The Chamber and Survival Games now
Fixed a bug where the spectator menu was not opening any spectator option
Spectators can now participate in the ongoing matches if there is available space!
Rewrote the entire minigame system. Code is much cleaner and easier to maintain and allows developer extensions more easily. [Critical, may break some minigames]
Fixed a critical bug where the console would throw a lot of errors if players left the arena immediately after leaving a minigame with a rollback feature such as Spleef
Enabled the join command in bungee mode (So that players can use /pg join <Arena> and also so that the Play-Again message actually works in bungee mode)
Disabled player collision in minigames (1.9+ only)
Reduced the maximum speed in FloorShuffle because it was near impossible
Added an option to disable double jump in Punch The Bat because apparently, it was allowing flight in some servers
Added boosters! you can now use the command /pg addbooster to create a booster for all your players for a certain amount of time. The booster increases the amount of money earned per win
One in the chamber will now distribute players along spawn points depending on their order in the spawn points list
Improved the performance of the leaderboards feature by a lot
Added the placeholders %partygames_arena_status_<arena>%, %partygames_arena_players_<arena>%, %partygames_arena_max_players_<arena>%
Added clickable messages! You can now find an option in config.yml to enable 'Play-Again-Message' which will allows players to click a message and join a game immediately. This feature is only available for 1.9+ servers
Improved the rollback of Splegg and Spleef. You should not find any missing blocks now. But for previously created holes you need to manually fix them.
Added an option to teleport all players together when someone dies in hot potato
Please make awesome reviews for more awesome updates !
Added winner & loser maps! You can now display custom maps with custom images and texts to your winners and losers! This feature MAY initially hurt the performance but then it should be fine! Use it with caution. You can see images of the feature below!
You can now customize the holographic leaderboard style in customization.yml
You can now customize the stats inventory style in customization.yml
Improved the performance of the holographic leaderboards when used with sign leaderboards as well
Massive performance improvement for all minigames with rollback feature [CRITICAL UPDATE]
Additional minor improvements, including a new method to the API
Fixed invisibility issue for 1.7.9
You can now register the same minigame to an arena more than once in order to play that minigame multiple times.
If the option 'max-minigame-rounds' is set to a number larger than the number of minigames registered to an arena or available to an arena at a time, it will start repeating some minigames. (Explanation for this setting is below)
# If an arena has 20 minigames and the max-minigame-rounds is set to 15, it will pick random 15 minigames from the 20 registered.
# If an arena has 10 minigames and the max-minigame-rounds is set to 15, it will play all 10 and then pick 5 minigames to play again
The play counter 'Ready, Set, Go' will now be displayed as Titles if TitleManager is installed
You can now display top players in the arena scoreboards. This is enabled by default but can be disabled in config.yml
Currently the scoreboard leaderboard is available for these minigames: PunchTheBat, AnimalSlaughter, CraftingMaster, MobShooter, Quake, HoeHoeHoe, OreMiner (Minigames that have a counted score)
Improved spectator join code so that it reduces conflicts with other plugins that are changing the player gamemode from spectator to survival.
Please keep in mind that the first releases will aim to fix bugs rather than adding new features/minigames! Feel free to suggest ideas in the discussion area though!