☆ Simple TabList ☆《1.16.x - 1.21.x》- Animated - Hex colors icon

☆ Simple TabList ☆《1.16.x - 1.21.x》- Animated - Hex colors -----

Full LuckPerms support and easy to use. Thank you for 30k+ Downloads!

Update 4.3 hotfix
This update brings a bunch of changes code wise.
Here the most interesting ones:
  • The player name formatting system has been optimized by replacing the previous lengthy code with a more efficient string replacement method. Now, display names can be customized using luckperm permissions via placeholders or texts, for example: "stl.format.%luckperms_prefix% {player_name} %luckperms_suffix%". This simplfies the process and enhance the possibility for modified player names.
  • Refactored name updates to streamline applying global, world-based, and player-specific prefixes and suffixes, reducing code complexity.
  • Added error handling to prevent crashes by catching unexpected exceptions during name updates and logging warnings.
  • Interval handling has been refactored for better control, using custom threading instead of the Bukkit scheduler, allowing tasks to be started and stopped more efficiently.

CFG Changes:
Names.LuckPerms.Prefix.Enable and Names.LuckPerms.Suffix.Enable got removed due to being depracted.

Everything else keeps the same.
----------, Dec 25, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 33,485
First Release: May 14, 2022
Last Update: Dec 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings