☆ Simple TabList ☆《1.16.x - 1.21.x》- Animated - Hex colors icon

☆ Simple TabList ☆《1.16.x - 1.21.x》- Animated - Hex colors -----

Full LuckPerms support and easy to use. Thank you for 30k+ Downloads!

Simple TabList
This plugin is an alternative to traditional plugins, which are very good, but usually very complicated to set.
You may know the plugins that have amazing features, but you need to change things in 8 configs and copy-paste them into your perm-system? With this plugin you don't need that anymore!

If you want to know what I'm currently working on or have planned for this plugin you can visit my trello here.​

In case there is an Issue with your sorting read this github Issue: https://github.com/TheYIMIR/SimpleTabList/issues/1

Looking out for people who would like to make a plugin review. If you made one send it in discussions and I'll add it to the main page here.


What does this plugin do
This Plugin is showing prefix & suffixes in the TabList which you can provide by LuckPerm Groups.​


  • /stl-reload (need the Permission stl.reload)
  • stl.reload
  • Decide how or if you want to sort your player list
  • Prefix & suffixes provided by LuckPerms
  • Global prefix & suffixes for all
  • Additional prefix & suffixes & Headers & Footers which are world based using the configs generated in the world folder
  • Update everything on LuckPerm events
  • Refresh Header & Footer each second (by default disabled for performance reasons)
  • Animated Text
  • Hex colors
  • Own Placeholders and those which are provided by PlaceholderAPI
Placeholders (internal)
  • [player_name] → Fetch Player name
  • [world_prefix] → Fetch current world prefix
  • [world_suffix] → Fetch current world suffix
  • [global_prefix] → Fetch global prefix
  • [global_suffix] → Fetch global suffix
  • [player_health] → Fetch Player health
  • [player_food] → Fetch Player food
  • [player_xp] → Fetch Player xp
  • [player_lvl] → Fetch Player lvl
  • [player_gamemode] → Fetch Player gamemode
  • [animation:ID] → ID means a number from 1 to Infinity which you use to reference the animation in animations.yml
  • [#cap(word)] → LuckPerms will make your permission format text (stl.format.your-fancy-text) completely uncapitalized. Use this to make a word start capitalized: Word
  • [#capall(word)] → Luckperms will make your permission format text (stl.format.your-fancy-text) completely uncapitalized. Use this to make a word completely capitalized: WORD
How to customize / format displaynames
Since v4.3 displayname formating can be customized for each rank/group like this:
  • Go to the rank/group you want to customize the displayname of
  • Now add the persmission "stl.format"
  • After that edit the new permission entry (which should be marked yellow) and write for example: "stl.format.%luckperms_prefix% &f[player_name] %luckperms_suffix%"
  • Make sure PlaceholderAPI is installed and LuckPerms ecloud package is installed.
  • Hit save in editor and changes should be applied.
How to use PlaceholderAPI (in general)
To use Placeholders you have to use for example: /papi ecloud download LuckPerms
after that execute /papi reload
Now (with my example) you should be able to use LuckPerms placeholders.

Code (YAML):

# Worlds
#     Enable
# Does enable/disable the worlds function which overrides the current Header and Footer content.
# You need LuckPerms and PlaceholderAPI to make this plugin work!
# Tab Refresh Interval Time is calculated in seconds.

: ' %luckperms_prefix% &f[player_name] %luckperms_suffix%'
: true
: false
: ''
: ''
: true
: weight
: true
: false
: true
 - This is a header and animation {animation:0 }!
  - 'You
: %player_name%!'
: true
 - This is a footer!
  - This is footer line 2!
: §f [§cSTL§f ]
: false
: true
: 1
: true

Code (YAML):

 - Frame 1
  - Frame 2
  - Frame 3

Config rules
For colors please use §

Small Example in Luckperms Dashboard
This is how you can add a rank/group using LuckPerms editor.
Here you can set the prefix and suffix for PlaceholderAPI "%luckperms_prefix%" and "%luckperms_suffix%".

Additional Information
By default the TabList doesn't refresh at all because it's disabled but it's interval time is set to 1 second.
You can change Header and Footer of the TabList in the config.yml.
Make sure to check if your config is to old! (Make a backup of your current and reload the plugin to check what's new)

Content which could be added in future updates
  1. API
Other projects I'm working on


All and custom stats here: https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/Simple TabList/15221

It would help me a lot if you would leave a review. So I can see what you think about the plugin and if I need to change something. Also, the plugin will be suggested to more people and more changes can take place through new ideas.

For any suggestions or questions, you can join my server which is linked at Support on top of this Plugin page.

I try to develop this plugin continuously. Nevertheless it is possible that from time to time updates might take a little longer. Bugs are tried to be fixed as soon as possible.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 33,397
First Release: May 14, 2022
Last Update: Dec 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings