☆ Simple TabList ☆《1.16.x - 1.21.x》- Animated - Hex colors icon

☆ Simple TabList ☆《1.16.x - 1.21.x》- Animated - Hex colors -----

Full LuckPerms support and easy to use. Thank you for 30k+ Downloads!

Update v4.1
This is a small update.

Added the possibility to enable/disable the player list sorting.
Added the possibility to set the sorting type of the player list (currently only weight, so keep it) and sort it ascending or not.
[By o0sh4d0w0o]

Fixed a bug where the suffix or prefix of a lower additional group where still displaying.
Reworked some code to make it more precise and faster.
----------, Dec 15, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 33,485
First Release: May 14, 2022
Last Update: Dec 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
10 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings