- Possible fix to the "java.lang.VerifyError: Bad type on operand stack " error that's been popping up
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- Added support for 1.21.3 and 1.21.4
- Dropped support for anything lower than 1.21.3
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- Added /aurora biomes - Lists all registered biomes
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- Removed remaining debug messages
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- Fixed lighting. No longer requires LighterAPI
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- Removed other debug message
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- Removed debug statement that was accidentally left in
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- Replaced LightAPI with LighterAPI Note: Lighting still doesn't work, waiting on dev to fix.
- Updated RTUBiomeLib dependency to 1.9.0
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- Temporarily removed LightAPI support until a replacement is made
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- Updated to spigot 1.19.4
- Fixed issue caused by LightAPI being null
- Cleaned up code
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- Completely fixes unsupported LightAPI issue
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- Aurora no longer throws an error when trying to enable LightAPI on a unsupported version
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- Bumped API version to 1.19
- Bumped spigot dependency to 1.19.2
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- Removed metrics
- Rewrote parts of the plugin
- Fixed an NPE
- Uploaded the correct jar this time
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- Removed metrics
- Rewrote parts of the plugin
- Fixed an NPE
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- Corrects the plugin.yml version
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- Didn't actually compile the right 4.1 build. This fixes it
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- Updated LightAPI to 5.1.0
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- Updated LightAPI to 5.1.0
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- Updated biomes.yml file to fix issues relating to 1.18
- Removed left over classes due to removal of backwards compatibility
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- Fixed an issue related to ZBiome
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- Updated to 1.18
- Dropped support for pre-1.18
- Compiled with Java 17
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- You can now specify "ALL" as a biome to have the particle spawn in any biome
- Updated outdated wiki links
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- Fixed an issue with world guard compatibility
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- Added metrics
- Fixed an exception caused by missing classes
- For server versions that don't support java 16 use this version
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- Cleaned up the code
- Compiled using java 16 and now uses java 16 features. Breaks support for older versions of MC, however 2.1.4 will still work with those versions.
- Removed the blacklist check
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- Compatibility fix with particle configs not generating properly on Windows hosts
- Bug fix with particle configs not generating properly when server name contains spaces
- More fixes to automatically disable particle lighting when running on an unsupported Spigot fork
- Compatibility fix to automatically disable particle lighting when running on an unsupported Spigot fork
- Added global toggle for particle lighting in "config.yml"
- Re-added 1.16.4 support
- Added 1.17 support with lighting compatibility
- Dropped support for 1.16.4 (will be re-added in the next update)
- Added command tabcomplete feature
- Fixed an issue with inconsistent lighting
- Plugin rewrite for particle management
- Aurora developer API has been released
- Improved anti-leak features
- Internal code cleanup
- Added experimental support for custom biomes
- Fixed default particles not generating properly on some environments
- Added comment in the default "messages.yml" as a link to the wiki
- Minor changes to some default particle configs
- Fixed particles not showing if "properties.update" is greater than "properties.duration" under the particle config
- Fixed WorldGuard compatibility with pre-1.12.2 servers
- Fixed the plugin breaking when there is no "__global__" region in WorldGuard
- Fixed an issue with default particle configs not generating on some operating systems
- Quick fix with WorldGuard dependency not working
- Removed console spam
- Added compatibility for WorldGuard 6.0 (1.9 - 1.12.2)
- Fixed status command not showing correct particles in WorldGuard regions
- "ambient-particles" flag will now work in the __global__ region
- Fixed a bug with particle spawn timers not working properly
- Added WorldGuard 7.0 compatibility (Post 1.13 only)
- You can now define Aurora particles in regions using the flag "ambient-particles" (Does not work for the __global__ region)
- "start-spawning-at" and "stop-spawning-at" values in config.yml now support per-player time as set by other plugins (i.e WorldGuard or /ptime)
- Fixed an issue with particle spawning if "start-spawning-at" was greater than "stop-spawning-at" values in config.yml
- All plugin messages are now configurable in messages.yml
- Added new particle config option "spawning.relativePlayerPosition" to support spawning particles at a height relative to the player
- Particle config options "spawning.minY" and "spawning.maxY" now support decimals
- Config change to allow more flexibility in particle enable/disable timings (config.yml will be reset)
- Performance improvements to internal methods of getting chunk data
- Fixed a bug with status command not displaying data correctly in disabled worlds
- Fixed a compatibility issue with PaperSpigot <= 1.12.2
- Slight performance improvements in particle-change event firing
- Fixed a compatibility issue with PaperSpigot <= 1.12.2
- Slight performance improvements in particle-change event firing
- Added support for value randomisation in the properties section of particle configs
- Added configurable biome presents for faster configuration
- Fixed a bug where the plugin would break completely when encountering an unknown biome
- Fixed config auto-updater
- Added config option to disable ambient particles in specified worlds
- Added config option to disable ambient particles in the day
- Fixed console error spam when server is lagging
- Fixed an error on plugin disable
- Decreased global particle update interval on biome change
- Particles will now toggle instantly when command is issued
- Fixed a NPE bug when status command is used in some biomes
- Toggle command is now persistent after the server restarts
- General code cleanup