►HyperDrive | Advanced Teleportation Plugin ► icon

►HyperDrive | Advanced Teleportation Plugin ► -----

A high-class warp plugin allowing you and your players to warp through space and time w/High control

►►► Tweak Update ►►►
I do want to mention that updates will be chilling out again I only provide this many updates back to back when I have time to actually tackle tasks I wanted to do to HyperDrive, so no worries about constantly updating haha. Also please note whenever I change the title of the HyperDrive page the JSON messages for the UpdateChecker will have issues. I'm still looking for a better way to implement this, so this is a known issue!

What was changed in HyperDrive v3.8?

  • Tweaked the standalone teleportation commands, so players are unable to TPA to themselves.
  • Added the warp animation to the standalone teleportation commands.
  • Tweaked the /tpaccept and /tpdeny commands, so it does not require a player argument now!
  • Increased sorting speed by 0.3 milliseconds (I know it's not a lot, but figured I would tell you :D.
----------, Dec 5, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 766
First Release: Jan 20, 2016
Last Update: May 4, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
102 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings