- Fix sell all with item in the offhand
- Updated: CurrenciesAPI to version 1.0.5. (Bug fix + add RedisEconomy)
- Fixed Color message for don't have money.
- Improve price modifier
- Fix confirm button with commands and message, you need to use now a confirm-actions
- Fix currencies API
- Added /sellinventory, Opens an inventory and sells the content. Enable this feature with enableSellInventoryCommand: true
- Using the CurrenciesAPI library, this allows introducing new economies like ZESSENTIALS and ECOBITS
- Fixed enchant for 1.21+
- Fix error with items amount
- Add description for some commands (/sell all, /sell hand, /sell handall)
- Fix folia
- Add ZShopEconomyRegisterEvent
- Fix CoinsEngine
- Fix sellall message
- Add option for /sell <all/hand/handall>
- Update to zMenu
- Fix /sell-hand command
- Fix sell lore confirm
- Fix item lore for show buttons
- Fix error with MenuItemStack cache on purchase and sell items
- Added
economy configuration for each inventory. You can now choose the default economy by file
Enjoy the Christmas discount now !
- Correction of price display during purchase and sale, taking into account events.
- Ajout de l'économie BeastToken
- Fix NPE with
ShopManger#getItemButton method
unstackable tag for ZSHOP_ITEM, allows you to choose the number of items to buy but not receive them stacked. Perfect for potions for example.
- Add inventory name for methods openBuy, openSell and openConfirm
- Add inventory name in ZSHOP_ITEM button, you can now specify the inventory for buy, sell and confirm
Added a system that will check the minimum version of zMenu the plugin needs
New version of the plugin, this time using the zMenu API. All information in the presentation page.
Modification of default configuration files.
Modification of the message system
Add 1.18 support
Bug fix with inventory
Add color for custom lore
Added the ZShopButtonRenderEvent, which allows to modify the rendering of a button.
Added the close action which allows to close the inventory when clicking
Add configuration for default economy.
- Add placeholder equals_string and equalsignorecase_string
- Added a message in the console if the slot is larger than the inventory size.
- Added buttons of type NONE_SLOT in inventories that didn't have it.
You can now configure the price format according to whether it is a long or a double.
You can now add colored leather armors
slot: 19
data: 0
color: FUCHSIA
amount: 1
durability: 0
name: '&aMobs'
- '&7Click to access the mobs'
inventory: mobs
Vous pouvez désormais remplir un inventaire très simplement. Thanks to Jupiter#5532
Code (YAML):
Fixed the default configuration.
Added the possibility to disable the button if it is first or last page (thanks to
Add the ability to disable order registration on the server.
Correction of the plugin in 1.7.10
Fix a problem with the /shop all
- Support EpicHead (eh:<id>, Example here)
- Support potions items
- Support head url (Example here)
- Correction related to version verification
- Added commands for the console for the type PERFORM_COMMAND
- Thanks to @Nashlor
- Fixed an error when checking if the player has enough money to buy an item.
- Added a system to display items asynchronously.
- Added error message if the player has no money based on the economy.
Addition of the LEVEL saver, allows you to buy items for experience.
- The plugin now works with zSpawner.
- Added the possibility to put the glow option to the item
- Added the possibility to display the head of the player opening the inventory
- Added the possibility to check if a placeholder (from PAPI) is higher or lower than a value
- The plugin now works with PlaceholderAPI
- Added a new optional command: CATEGORY
Code (yml (Unknown Language)):
command: "zshop" #Default commande
aliases: #Aliases
- "shop"
- "myshop"
inventory: "shop" #File name
options: #Option
action: CATEGORY
permission: "zshop.open.category"
description: "My custom command"
- Added a permission-based price reduction system. Perfect for servers with a lot of rank! (You need to regenerate the config.yml file).
- Added a new type of button: PERFORM_COMMAND
Fixed a bug with the launch of the plugin.
Fixed an error related to the loading of the headdatabase plugin
New version of the plugin with a much simpler and complete configuration. All the information in the presentation page.
- Fixed a duplication bug with the / shop all command
- Changing the version checking system
- You can enable debug mode in the plugin configuration
Correction of various errors related to 1.7.10
Added support for enchanted books
Add permission zshop.open.*
Fix bug with boost
You can now modify the prices of the items with the API
Items no longer save default values
Correction of an error when saving items, the purchase and sale price was reversed.
Addition of a tab complete system
Fixed various small errors
New log system when buying or selling an item, you have a log system that will write in waves in the file and thus have logs that are easier to read
- Correction of an error where it was possible to sell items for a price of 0$
- When an item cannot be sold a message is written in the lore of the item
Added command / shop config gui <category> - Allows you to decorate an inventory, it's simpler than the config file
Correction of a duplication bug with the sale of items in the second hand
Correction of the loading of subcommands for new inventories, you can now change the command "vip" to another command
Correction of an error with the item loading system
The plugin now works with citizen
FIX: Correction of an error with the sales inventory
ADDED: Addition of an items-example-fr and items-example-en file to have more information on the configuration of items
Code (Text):
#Category id
#Type of item, you have the choice between ITEM and UNIQUE_ITEM
#An item which will be UNIQUE_ITEM will have an inventory to confirm the purchase and will be unsellable. Perfect for buying ranks, kits, spawners etc ...
type: ITEM
#Here you will be able to put all the information on an item
#item id
id: 3
#Its data (so the number which is in parentheses)
data: 0
#You will be able to change the number of items with the amount, by default it is 1
amount: 1
#Allows to define the maximum number for the stack of the item
stack: 64
#You will be able to add a lore with the element 'lore'
- "une ligne"
- "&cUne ligne rouge"
- "&fUne ligne blanche"
#You will be able to put the name of the item like that
name: "&cUn magnifique nom"
#You will be able to add enchantments to the item like this
#You will be able to add flags items like that
#You can set the purchase price here, if you put 0 then the item will not be purchasable
buyPrice: 30.0
#You can set the sale price here, if you put 0 then the item will not be salable
sellPrice: 2.0
#You will be able to define the slot of the item here
slot: 0
#You will be able to define the economy used by the item. You have: VAULT, PLAYERPOINT, TOKENMANAGER, MYSQLTOKEN, CUSTOM
economy: VAULT
#Lets say if you want to give the item display
give: true
#Lets say whether or not the orders will be executed upon the sale of the item
executeSellCommand: false
#Lets say whether or not the orders will be executed upon purchase of the item
executeBuyCommand: false
#Allows you to display the confirmation inventory (only for the UNIQUE_ITEM type)
useConfirm: true
#Add commands to execute
- "bc %player% est trop fort"
Correction of an error with the permission for the command /shop all
Correction of an error with the interaction of inventories
Correction of an error with vault, now the plugin will shut down if vault does not work
Correction of a bug with the item saver
Addition of four new custom event for the management of your economy:
- EconomyCurrencyEvent
- EconomyDepositEvent
- EconomyHasMoneyEvent
- EconomyWithdrawMoney
Adding a message when an item is null
You can now make the / ah config commands and have a better return when you make a mistake when creating, deleting or editing an item.
- Changed the categories.json file to categories.yml for ease of configuration
- Adding the configuration of inventories with the file inventories.yml
- You can now create your own shop with your own orders easily. (In the example you have the / vip which allows you to buy a rank and spawners for playerpoint money.)
You have questions ? Thank you for coming discord: