You will need to delete your config if you are updating to the 1.0-BETA Revamp!
Made sure to include an update notifier.
Code (Text):
description: Sell your XP for money
usage: /sellxp [amount|all]
aliases: [xpsell]
description: Buy XP with money
usage: /buyxp [amount|max]
description: Reload the XPShop configuration
usage: /xpshopreload
description: Gives access to all XPShop commands
xpshop.sell: true true
xpshop.reload: true
description: Allows you to sell XP
default: true
description: Allows you to buy XP
default: true
description: Allows you to reload the XPShop configuration
default: op
Code (Text):
# Price for selling 1 XP (in economy currency)
xp-sell-price: 1.0
# Price for buying 1 XP (in economy currency)
xp-buy-price: 1.2
# Maximum amount of XP that can be sold in one transaction
# Set to -1 for no limit
max-xp-sell: -1
# Maximum amount of XP that can be bought in one transaction
# Set to -1 for no limit
max-xp-buy: -1
# Daily limit for selling XP
# Set to -1 to disable the daily limit
daily-xp-sell-limit: -1
# Configurable messages
invalid-amount: "Invalid amount. Usage: /{command} [amount|all|max]"
not-enough-xp: "You don't have that much XP. You only have {amount} XP."
max-sell-limit: "You can only sell up to {amount} XP at once."
daily-limit-reached: "You've reached your daily XP sell limit."
daily-limit-selling: "Selling {amount} XP due to daily limit."
successful-sell: "You sold {amount} XP for {money}."
max-buy-limit: "You can only buy up to {amount} XP at once."
not-enough-money: "You don't have enough money to buy {amount} XP. You can afford {affordable} XP."
no-money: "You don't have enough money to buy any XP."
successful-buy: "You bought {amount} XP for {money}."
no-permission: "You don't have permission to use this command."
config-reloaded: "XPShop configuration has been reloaded."