4.ALL PLUGIN DATA IS COMPATIBLE, DO NOT RESET ANYTHING. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[Core] Player Based price type. Dynamic price that changed depends on amount of online players!
[Virtual Shop] Shop Layout System. Now, instead of 'view.yml' GUI configs, there is a dedicated /layouts/ folder. This is where you create GUI layouts for your shops now. It is move convient and will prevent from duplicated configurations when use the same layout in multiple shops.
[Chest Shop] Customizable shop showcases. Now players can select a showcase item for their shops (from a list of allowed items).
[Chest Shop] Permission 'excellentshop.chestshop.display.customization' that allows to customize shop display.
[Auction] Force flag (-f) for /ah open, /ah expired, /ah history, /ah unclaimed, /ah listings commands. Used to bypass auction restrictions.
[Auction] Config option for Default and Allowed currencies. Removed weird currency settings section.
[Virtual Shop] Static Shops now can display pages in GUI titles.
[Virtual Shop] Decluttered settings.yml config from unnecessary comments and settings. You will need to do a simple copy-paste your old Buy-Sell sections to new ones.
[Virtual Shop] Float price updating is more smooth now.