Custom Commands, Custom commands guide, New InventoryAPI, Customize Warns page
Report bug and suggest commands; Bossbar support placeholders!!!
Any bugs in the update please report on
discord or by using the /7lbug command!!
And XG7Lobby got heavier because I had to add another dependency inside, for some reason I can't remove it
- Customizable prefix!
- Reload configuration command (/xg7lobbyreloadconfig or /7lrlc)
- And the biggest change was the correction of the non-interactable selector heads! Now you can use them interactively without bugs!
In this update, NBTAPI was included within the plugin!
The plugin had a problem that in some versions of Java the plugin wasn't working, but I changed that in this update and now the plugin supports all versions of Minecraft!
Although it is a simple change, it serves to avoid some errors, and if there is an error when initializing the plugin, report it on discord below and I will help: