WorldChatter [ 1.1 - 1.21.X ] icon

WorldChatter [ 1.1 - 1.21.X ] -----

Enhance your chatting experience.

WorldChatter 2.0
What is new in this update?

- The WHOLE Plug-in got recoded from scratch! -

- Anti-Swear (BETA)

Works now better than ever with over 700+ words available to detect.

It will block any IPs and Server IPs because no one wants that and most of the URLs.

- BlackListWorlds
It's now improved and a new option is added called "solomessage" in the config which it makes the message still limited to only to the world instead of sending it to the entire server
Code (YAML):
# Worlds that have been blacklisted from using WorldChatter
 - world_the_end
  - world_nether
: true # keeps the message limited to the blacklist worlds still.
- Anti-Spam
Of course, its back and it's improved to be serving better performance while giving it more features. "Tell me this isn't cool"
Code (YAML):
AntiSpam : 1 # Cooldowns the chat according to the number of seconds. (it's bypassable for people with "worldchatter.bypass.antispam" permission)
and it has it's own spam message you can disable it by just ""
Code (YAML):
SpamMessage : "&cYou're message is blocked by the &eAnti-Spam" # Changes how the anti-spam message is sent (set it to "" if you don't want to send it)

- Permissions
Instead of depending the plugin on OP Players only it now has its own permissions
worldchatter.control - gives the permission to use the plugin's command and see the detection messages
worldchatter.bypass.antiswear - allows the player to bypass the anti-swear detection
worldchatter.bypass.antiads - allows the player to bypass the anti-ADs detection
worldchatter.bypass.antispam - allows the player to spam.

- ChatFormat
It has also been improved and way less buggy than before!
Code (YAML):
ChatFormat : true
: "[%player_world%] %player_name%: "
# Edit the way the chat is formatted (Using legacy expression may not work when using PAPI)

- PlaceholderAPI

Of course, papi is there with you as always when u need it
Note it only works on "FormatString"

- Caching is added for offering better performance!

it's only on the update command for now.

- Threads system got improved as well
it's used a lot this one ngl.

- Other features!

Now it can send the detected player's message to the players who have "worldchatter.control" instead of just the console! you can also leave it "" if you don't want it.

- ChatLock
It's the same as the old one but it got improved coding that's all xD.

- Sad moment tho.
WorldChatterAPI did not make it for this update.... yet.
and there maybe another feature that's coming back.

Massive thank you to
@Abdelaziz189356 - For the help with this update being possible!
@yousife_7aloly - The tester for this update!
----------, Feb 14, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 2,999
First Release: Apr 8, 2022
Last Update: Jan 27, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
5 ratings
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