Wizards ❱ Domination | CTF | TDM icon

Wizards ❱ Domination | CTF | TDM -----

Domination, CTF & TDM | Leaderboards | Classes or Kits | Special Effects/Systems | Mounts |

New class, small QoL changes
  • Added a new class: Animal
    • Click to throw a projectile in form of a Pig!
    • Shift-click to throw a chicken that has heals you and your teammates!
  • Fixed a few classes are using the wrong explosion-radius
    • It will now always use from the class file, not global settings.yml.
    • You may have to double-check the value of your
      explosion-radius of your classes for balancing reasons
  • Changed some default values
  • Minor visual calsses fixes
To add the new class to your shop.yml, add the following line:
Code (Text):

 enabled: true
 item: 'EGG : 1'
 name: '&6Animal'
  - '&7Click to throw a damage pig projectile!'
  - '&7Shift-Click to throw a healing chicken projectile!'
 slot: 37
Or delete your shop.yml to generate a new one.

Code (Text):

### Animal settings ###

#Will auto-detonated after a few ticks (20ticks = 1s)
max-living-ticks: 85

#Projectile speed settings
damage-projectile-speed: 2.75
healing-projectile-speed: 3.85

#Holding shift will throw a healing entity
hold-shift-to-heal: true
healing-amount: 4.5
healing-area: 5

#Collision settings, there's two type of collision check, checking for block hit box around a certain location and checking for ground

#If set to true, the entity will always explode when touching the ground. Otherwise, the entity may be able to walk a bit before colliding or the max-living-ticks times out.
always-check-for-ground-collision: true

#Will check both but may cause to explode when touching small blocks
check-both-collision-types: true
----------, Oct 23, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 139
First Release: Jul 7, 2018
Last Update: Yesterday at 4:53 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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