Wizards ❱ Domination | CTF | TDM icon

Wizards ❱ Domination | CTF | TDM -----

Domination, CTF & TDM | Leaderboards | Classes or Kits | Special Effects/Systems | Mounts |

New Class
  • Changes to double jump particle to look a bit nicer.

Please check below to add the new class to your shop.yml, otherwise the shop will not work!


  • Added the class YinYang, this class creates a field that can heal and cause damage in area every few ticks
  • You can modify if the class should heal or not, the delay between pulses of damage and heal and more.
  • New classes aren't exactly balanced, change the options according to your liking.
Code (Text):
#YinYang Values, 20 ticks = 1 second
tick-delay: 25 #Every 1.25s
damage-per-tick: 2.5
max-tick-duration: 100 #Will pulse for 4.75 seconds
skill-heals: true
heal-per-tick: 1.75
area-of-effect: 7.0
Please add the following lines to your shop.yml for the shop to work correctly! Even if you don't to use the new class you need to have the shop file up to date.
Code (Text):
 enabled: true
 item: 'ENCHANTED_BOOK : 1'
 name: '&6YinYang'
  - '&7Spawns a field that heals'
  - '&7teammates and damage enemies'
  - '&7every few ticks'
 slot: 34
Should look this:
You can, of course, modify everything, just add the basics and you can modify the item, slot, name, lore and enable or disable.
----------, Jul 7, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 139
First Release: Jul 7, 2018
Last Update: Yesterday at 4:53 AM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings